Example sentences of "offered to him " in BNC.

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1 Dr. Zúñiga was warned that the police might seek reprisals against him , but although he informed the authorities of this , novo specific measures of protection were apparently offered to him .
2 From a letter to Francesco Gonzaga , written in 1622 and published by A. Luzio , in which among others a self-portrait of Tintoretto is offered to him , Pittalunga argues that the Paris picture may have been the one mentioned and which formed part of Rubens 's estate .
3 The local authority to which he applied refused to provide the necessary grant , and the person was sadly compelled to turn down a place on a one-year post-graduate course which had already been offered to him .
4 The letter asked whether Joan 's health would prevent Ramsey accepting the see of London if it were offered to him .
5 He answered that it was when the job was offered to him .
6 Tom Moody , a century-maker in the first innings , wasted his chance to secure the Test place offered to him by Marsh 's injury when he sliced Asoka de Silva to first slip .
7 The Germans sound no less discouraging : Mr Gorbachev should not be invited , they say , if no aid is likely to be offered to him .
8 Wherefore as God had granted him all those dominions , it seemed just to them that he should accept the imperial title also , when it was offered to him by the consent of all Christendom .
9 In 27 BC Octavian took the name Augustus , offered to him by the Roman Senate .
10 As an illustrator , he felt limited by the unimaginative educational material offered to him .
11 The Substitute had refused the chair offered to him , choosing instead to wander about the room , taking brief puffs on his cigar and regarding everything and everyone with an amused detachment that gave the impression of his being mildly surprised but pleased at having to perform the office of Public Prosecutor .
12 What he had to do now was stretch out and take the hand of friendship being offered to him .
13 Now for some of the solutions offered to him .
14 But he chose to do so by exploiting the lieutenancy offered to him by Philip the Fair in 1295 , rather than by rebellion against the crown .
15 In any piece of fiction there must be room for the reader — room for him to jump at a suggestion , to insert himself into a story , to respond to hints and clues : to be told what is offered to him is to encourage him to read passively and so to give him less than he deserves .
16 In his ten years with Intelligence he rose to the rank of colonel , but his superiors ' prejudice against his British ancestry and education became unbearable and he resigned to take up the post offered to him with UNACO .
17 Nick shook his head when it was offered to him .
18 He said he was pleased about the help offered to him but stressed to sister that he regarded the need for help as temporary : " Until I 'm really back on my feet again " .
19 If an explosion occurs owing to the escape of gas , it does not seem to have been suggested that the defences of common benefit or consent of the plaintiff would be available to the defendants , possibly because the plaintiff has no choice as to the source of his supply of gas , whereas in other cases he can decide for himself whether he will accept the arrangement offered to him by his landlord .
20 The toy , the squeaky duck or whatever , will be offered to him by the smiling child .
21 Only in rejecting the terms on which life is offered to him can a man discover his real dignity , his real self . ’
22 His tireless work for the cause of Albanian nationalism was rewarded in 1913 with the first of two enquiries on the point of whether he would be prepared to accept the throne of Albania , if it was formally offered to him .
23 If only Mark had taken St Ermin 's when it was offered to him . ’
24 The apportionment , usually expressed in percentage terms , operates with the same penalty as in the normal Tender , viz. that in the event that after Proof the party to whom the Tender has been made is found liable for a greater proportion of the claim than was offered to him , then that party becomes responsible for the Tenderer 's expenses from the date when the Tender was lodged .
25 Each pair of dovetailing decisions ( each market transaction completed ) constitutes a case in which each party is being offered an opportunity which , to the best of his knowledge , is the best being offered to him in the market .
26 Yes , that sounded plausible : he would n't take it just because it was offered to him on a plate .
27 Unlike Kissinger , Le Duc Tho declined the Nobel Peace Prize offered to him for his role in negotiating the agreements .
28 On 7 August Franco set up his headquarters in Seville , in a large house offered to him by a local aristocrat , the marchioness of Yanduri .
29 That being the case , it was not appropriate to seek admission to the United Nations or to NATO ( the latter created in 1949 ) ; it should be offered to him as of right .
30 Timothy West believes that he did n't take the opportunities that were offered to him far enough .
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