Example sentences of "meant that [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This meant that on average a girl would have to obtain higher examination marks than a boy to secure a place at such a school .
2 This meant that on the blonde version the entire bass — body , neck and fingerboard — was light-coloured wood , except for the scratchplate and the front of the headstock .
3 The huge interest generated in the share issue meant that on the first day of trading , the partially paid price of 50p immediately increased to 93p , which emphasised the extent of the undervaluation of the company ; the share price subsequently increased by even more .
4 This meant that on special occasions I had to wear a black pleated skirt , white blouse and black beret , with white socks and black shoes and , when the weather was cold , a black cloak .
5 First , the ‘ aggregation ’ principle meant that on marriage the husband and wife were treated as a single tax unit , with any income earned by the wife being added to that of the husband for tax purposes .
6 This meant that on some occasions they would be conducted by Busacher , on others by Anton , the old répétiteur , and in emergencies by their own lead violinist .
7 This meant that despite Meehan 's pardon , the proceedings to some extent would be a retrial of Meehan as well as a trial of Waddell ; and one of its more lunatic aspects was hearing Mr King-Murray as prosecuting counsel , who for two years had strenuously refused to entertain the notion of Meehan 's innocence and Waddell 's guilt , now deploying arguments to show that very thing ( although unlike Griffith-Jones at Ward 's trial , he did not seem to have his heart in it ) ; and conversely to hear Waddell 's counsel echoing the arguments of the prosecutor at Meehan 's trial to demonstrate Meehan 's guilt and Waddell 's innocence .
8 At the end of the transitional phase , French government discrimination and obstruction in its subsidisation policies meant that to all intents arid purposes France 's coal industry still remained outside the common ECSC structure .
9 This did not mean that the play itself was not exciting as drama , but it meant that for Eliot , intent on his search for a vital relation between ritual and art , this play would not suffice .
10 This meant that for six weeks he was on a special bed that could be turned so that he spent some hours on his back and some on his front , never getting off the bed at all .
11 Food shortages and the lack of heating or lighting in towns , and the time-consuming difficulties of finding ways round them for city-dwellers , meant that for the first time in a century , if not longer , life in the country was not to be despised .
12 This meant that for long periods they were uncomfortably silent because they could think of nothing to say .
13 ASH , Action on Smoking and Health , said the new move meant that for the first time the true toll of smoking would be seen ‘ in black and white ’ .
14 The grasp of the ‘ realpolitik ’ of the situation on the part of their administrators was impressive ( see pages 38 and 39 ) and that , combined with their own integrity in never wavering in their adherence to the pre-tour agreements , meant that for once sport could hold its head high in the fact of profound political pressures .
15 In the Balkans it meant that for the next few years Bulgaria under Stambouloff would look to Austria-Hungary ( and even , a little , to Turkey ) , for fear of Russia .
16 Mosley 's opposition to this national change of mood meant that for the small minority who still wished to maintain the peace of Europe at any price , he was momentarily seen as an alternative leader who would keep Britain out of a war .
17 ‘ In some parts of the UK cuts in local authority spending and the move to the purchaser-provider split meant that for the first time students coming off social work courses were having real difficulties finding jobs ’ Weinstein said .
18 The intactness of the tomb meant that for the first time it was possible to analyse fully how the many objects found within it were used , and their ritual and social implications within the Sicàn culture better understood .
19 All this meant that for the first time all pupils were aiming for " A " levels , and could be helped and encouraged by discussing careers and progress with their masters and parents .
20 About the middle of the month Nils discovered metal fatigue in two of the seacocks , the worst being the inflow to the heads , which meant that for all of a week , till we could slip yet again and fit replacements , we were using a good old-fashioned shit bucket .
21 In particular it caused the bankruptcy of the BCR , which meant that for the rest of its life it was in the hands of the Receiver .
22 Wilder 's withdrawal meant that for the first time since the 1980 nomination contest the Democratic campaign would be fought without a major black contender .
23 This meant that for some countries the CET was lower than national tariffs .
24 so it meant that for some time before contingency fund development was introduced you must of had some concerns er about the accuracy of the figures you were putting forward for the publication , can , can I explain that a little more ? if after a few years a major repair needs to be carried out there was no contingency fund , it might mean sticking another two or three hundred pounds a year on the service charges , might it not , to cover a major repair
25 ‘ For me , being single-minded meant that for the eight months of the racing season every other aspect of my life was put on hold , ’ Vitor began , ‘ apart from the construction company .
26 The distance to fly was just over 500 nautical miles , which meant that with the published 75% cruise range of 780 nautical miles with reserves , we had more than two hours excess endurance .
27 The surprise defeat of Puma Sunderland away to Top Spin Darlington meant that with two games in hand Ilkley need to win only one of their last two matches to be the North-East representatives in the area play-offs .
28 This also meant that at the opposite pole of this evolutionary sequence there had existed a stage which was the exact opposite , a stage when men or women paired freely with whoever they took a fancy to , irrespective of any rules or regulations .
29 But now , her pregnancy and his ever-increasing work-load meant that at the end of the day they were both so exhausted that there was only the desire for an early night and a brief conversation about all their plans or what Brian called , ‘ the state of play ’ .
30 We knew that VAT was going to be an issue , but because everything was so vague we found it impossible to draw up detailed plans in advance , which meant that at the last minute we had to commit unbudgeted and unplanned resources to enable us to be ready for January . ’
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