Example sentences of "drawn into [art] " in BNC.

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1 Sammut wo n't be drawn into a debate as to whether Michelin is fair to women or not .
2 Although there was still two minutes to go , the Liverpool-born fighter was too experienced to be drawn into a mistake .
3 Since Britain was committed to defending France in the case of an invasion , it was obvious to him that Britain would be drawn into a future European war unless fascism was thwarted .
4 AT CONSERVATIVE Central Office , the Prime Minister expressed his confidence in winning a clear overall majority , though only after being drawn into a discussion on how a Labour-Liberal Democrat coalition leading to proportional representation and devolution for Scotland would irrevocably change the face of Britain .
5 the extent to which the teams would be able to preserve space for development work rather than be drawn into a crisis oriented casework load ;
6 Rigby 's young assistant regarded her with more interest , but was soon drawn into a discussion about production schedules .
7 Following the 16 November demonstration , the DCAC was drawn into a series of fire-brigade operations , rushing around trying to prevent minor flare-ups .
8 In the Hadrianic period the tiers of locks disappeared , and hair was simply drawn into a plaited bun set high on the crown of the head .
9 A limited number of boarding-schools should therefore be drawn into a partnership with the State , by agreeing to give at least 50 per cent of their places to pupils formally assessed as having a boarding need .
10 If the bomb also twists or spins at all , the skin gets drawn into a tail , forming a spindle bomb .
11 His life changes as he is drawn into a dangerous aura of incestuous relations surrounding the director and his beautiful sister Jenny ( Liza Walker ) to whom he is immediately drawn .
12 Many aspects of science could be drawn into a variety of project/topic work arrangements , and some of the maths and science items could also be delivered in tandem .
13 The small producer will be drawn into a socialised enterprise , not by means of non-economic coercion , but chiefly by the economic advantages which will provide him with a tractor , electric light bulbs , agricultural machinery and so on .
14 Corbett spent the rest of the evening analysing what he knew and had learnt but soon realised that he had been drawn into a maze of marshy morass and the more he probed , the more puzzled he became .
15 The labourers were drawn into a pattern of early marriages , large families and demoralisation which expressed itself in a growing surliness and a readiness to explode into violent , but contained , protest .
16 Power struggles are not out of the question and , if you are single , you may be drawn into a passionate , even obsessive liaison .
17 Meanwhile , Premier John Major was walking a diplomatic tightrope in Washington yesterday to avoid Britain being drawn into a ground war with Serbia .
18 PREMIER John Major was walking a diplomatic tightrope in Washington yesterday to avoid Britain being drawn into a ground war with Serbia .
19 The veteran Eire international is careful not to be drawn into a new slanging match with Ferguson — but one of those reasons must be to show the United manager that he is not a crippled has-been , better equipped propping up a bar than shoring up a defence at football 's highest level .
20 ‘ It 's his club , he has his opinion , and it 's not for me to be drawn into a public dialogue with him .
21 The Arsenal striker , who scored in both north London derby games last season , refused to be drawn into a slanging match after the game but responded forcefully yesterday .
22 The last thing Michael Harvey wanted was to be drawn into a personal discussion .
23 Wilkinson , though , was unwilling to get drawn into a slanging match yesterday .
24 Some are drawn into a life of crime : petty thieving , drugs trafficking etc .
25 The production team , which again included writers Robert Lord and Abem Finkel , had made a film which depoliticized the Legion by making its motive force sheer racketeering rather than political control and by making the violence and executions personal rather than political but nevertheless they had come up with a realistic depiction of how a weak man could be drawn into a recognizably Fascist organization .
26 Although the Commission was concerned with , broadly speaking , the effects of concentration of ownership on the diversity of content , it was inevitably drawn into a discussion of the links between owners and the views propagated in their particular newspapers .
27 Hewlett-Packard refuses to be drawn into a debate about the kernel , insisting ‘ it is n't the issue . ’
28 After removal of the supernatant , the pellet was dispersed into a slurry , drawn into a fine glass pipette and placed as a standing drop on the surface of a nucleopore filter in organ culture .
29 HP refuses to be drawn into a debate about the kernel , insisting ‘ it is n't the issue . ’
30 but from this precise description we are drawn into a larger concept :
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