Example sentences of "work with [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Grégoire , these devices may have worked with your previous tutor ; they will not work with me . ’
2 One thing that works at this time forget today and yesterday and all the week it 's the number of children that come into this playhouse now we have us we have a thing called work experience where they come from the school 's and the poor little bugger 's have got ta work with me . .
3 I suppose you could you could work with me but er I do n't think that 's quite the idea .
4 Your naughty tricks will not work with me .
5 You can sit next to me , and you can work with me every day . ’
6 Those tactics wo n't work with me any more , I know you too well . ’
7 That sort of thing might work with your little clique of boyfriends , but it wo n't work with me .
8 ‘ You are a good actress , but it wo n't work with me , ’ he snarled .
9 ‘ Does that mean you 'll work with me ? ’
10 As for you , Benedict , neither your cajolery nor your hectoring will work with me .
11 Er at the same time I 'm looking for the chemistry er the feel for those people , er the quality of those people and whether I could work with them and whether they could work with me .
12 What I was going to suggest then , Chairman , in the light of , in a sense a change of , a change of thought by me over the Christmas period , in a way it 's probably best it happened , is to ask if we could , because I 'm , I 'm keen that , this kind of different kind of strategy , there is a , there is a member ownership of the strategy , rather than just put something to you , that you would then have to , you know you , you have the paper in front of you , it 's a thirty page document , and you decided is actually to suggest that you have actually a , a , a member group of , of , of a few members , perhaps three or four members , erm , to actually work with me on this , in the development of that strategy , so there was actually a member involvement , because it 's straying more into the political field .
13 I think you 'd better work with me for the next few days , or if I 'm not here , then with one of my staff nurses .
14 Do n't work with me .
15 He still could n't quite believe it did n't work with her .
16 Once I know what the other operettas will be , I shall work with her every day .
17 Yeah it would n't work with her .
18 I 'm not going to second guess her decision , we will work with her and we will work with her government .
19 Artists who can work with their record company effectively ( often with the help of intelligent management ) probably stand more of a chance than the naive , bad-tempered or egocentric band .
20 I feel I 'm in a position to push a more radical programme on them , to stay there and work with what I can . ’
21 Local authorities of all political hues have opposed schools ' moves to opt out , and many head teachers believe they could no longer work with them .
22 If you buy a different second rod you will have to learn this all over again , but more important , when you are fishing with both rods you will never work with them instinctively .
23 The development officer felt she could not work with them , and they in turn did not welcome the Home Support Project .
24 When the person is admitted , that key worker will be on duty and will work with them for up to a six week period in constructing their care plan . ’
25 Hamish Kidd — previously with Heidrick and Struggles — was introduced to them in 1978 , and it was agreed that he would work with them for a year with the aim of establishing that a sale could be arranged .
26 This means that lecturers and tutors should work with them to develop programmes and curricula .
27 Negative statements such as ‘ I do n't know how you can work with them ’ or ‘ they do n't belong here — this is a college ’ , which were once like a red rag to a bull to me , no longer insult or injure as they did .
28 Small booksellers often do n't have time to see however many reps would be calling on them ; they would much rather put all their orders together and send them to Hammicks or to Heathcote or whoever ; we will work with them on that .
29 ‘ But you do n't work with them .
30 Er at the same time I 'm looking for the chemistry er the feel for those people , er the quality of those people and whether I could work with them and whether they could work with me .
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