Example sentences of "brought a new " in BNC.

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1 The integral construction of bodies , new air-sprung bogies , air conditioning , excellent sound and heat insulation , and a high standard of luxury furnishing and decor for both second and first class , and above ali strength to resist compression and buckling forces in an accident to an extent never seen before , brought a new era to BR coach design and made the HSTs deservedly popular .
2 The change to theology brought a new influence into his life : Sir Edwyn Clement Hoskyns , the dean of Corpus Christi College .
3 It brought a new meaning to the phrase ‘ terminal breakfast . '
4 The fight with Hearns brought a new questioning of boxing and this type of ‘ golden oldie ’ encounter .
5 Reassessment followed that defeat and brought a new direction with new people and a contract of $2 million for four fights over the next two years .
6 Reassessment followed that defeat and brought a new direction with new people and a contract of $2 million for four fights over the next two years .
7 In Goettingen , not far from the Brocken , the brothers Grimm were polishing their folk-tales , which brought a new frisson — even in refined translation — to many Victorian nurseries .
8 In the first decades of the century Lonsdale notes that there were a number of poets , such as Lady Mary Chudleigh , Octavia Walsh , Elizabeth Tollet , and Mehetabel Wright , who worked very much in isolation ; these are not , however , entirely representative since the Restoration ‘ … brought a new confidence and competence to women 's verse … ’
9 It brought a new level of handling to front-wheel drive that 's never been equalled .
10 Kriss Akabussi , World and Olympic finalist , when he was stationed in the Army in Germany brought a new car into Britain and was stopped a number of times on his way to Hampshire .
11 One bit of good news in 1966 , however , was when Ken Tyrrell brought a new Matra to England for Jackie to test .
12 A centre spread in the Evening Standard brought a new cascade .
13 The absence of Essex and Lancashire brought a new look to the boys ' championship and matches were keenly contested before Kent claimed the title .
14 Suddenly you know that this is the man who brought a new horror to rock .
15 It is just a hundred years since Felix Liebermann first propounded the theory that Anselm 's friendship with Archbishop Hugh of Lyons brought a new element into his life .
16 He ushered in a new era in the study of religion and of theology ; he brought a new conception of what the disciplined and ordered study of both could be ; he underlined in epoch-making fashion the importance of the subjective aspect of religious awareness , pointing to what lies deeper than intellectual formulations , yet is not reducible to inchoate and diffuse ‘ feelings ’ ; he attempted to grasp and express in an original and modern way the abiding significance of Jesus , and to uncover the living and personal meaning of what were in danger of being dismissed as merely the fossilised accretions of doctrine .
17 The nineteenth century brought a new kind of search for the basis and foundation of theology itself ; a fresh attempt to bring human awareness and experience into the centre of theological study ; the forging of more specialised techniques for the literary and historical study of the Bible , techniques whose application helped to raise what were often felt to be disturbing and challenging questions about its meaning and relevance as well as about the standing and authority of established Christian doctrines ; and the sharp new question whether Christian theology itself ought not to be subsumed under some more general study of religion and religions .
18 Some Jews had been conspicuously successful in adapting to British life and they undoubtedly brought a new vitality to an economically declining region .
19 In December Pearl Harbor brought a new urgency to the task of converting the economy into a vast war machine .
20 In the period following the Yom Kippur War ( 1973 ) , the Nixon-Kissinger team scored one of its most impressive diplomatic successes , as Kissinger 's " shuttle diplomacy " brought a new understanding with Egypt 's President Sadat and hopes of better Arab-Israeli relations in the future ( CORE , p. 146 ) .
21 An incident occurred in March of that year which brought a new depth and meaning to the " war " on drugs .
22 The revolution of 1983 led by former President Thomas Sankara brought a new direction .
23 But it was not in the number of hours that the factory system brought a new dimension .
24 His conquest of the Persian Empire , completed in 330 B.C. , brought a new prosperity to the cities of Asia Minor .
25 But today it was stronger , deeper , as though his casual clothes and presence in her home brought a new edge to their growing relationship of fierce sexual undercurrents and mutual hatred .
26 No they brought a new thing out , it 's not the poll tax it 's called something else int it ?
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