Example sentences of "developed into an " in BNC.

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1 This rosy view of rural life — no mention of manual toil , poor housing , low wages — was easily developed into an outright contempt for business and industry .
2 They have developed into an oligarchy , most interested in their own affairs …
3 They developed a tremendous belief in their own capabilities and the partnership quickly developed into an obsessive quest .
4 The most successful placement programmes to date have been developed from an identifiable need and developed into an accessible package which is clearly targeted with a prescribed framework e.g. Women in Management , Transition from School to Work , Information Technology .
5 But the personalities of the fossil hunters involved have ensured that this protective move by the Ethiopians has developed into an acrimonious tussle .
6 In later years , the post developed into an early version of that we know as Chancellor of the Exchequer .
7 Hugo had been perfectly happy to talk at length on the Margie Llewellyn Show about the days when he had played on the streets of the Bronx , and how in this unlikely setting a talent for sketching had developed into an interest in designing clothes .
8 When the golf course is developed into an 18 hole course in June the Manor is ‘ looking for new members . ’
9 Over the past 60 years these villages have developed into an area of suburbia covering four and a half miles to the west of the city of Hull .
10 There must , therefore , have been another meaning of the parable before it was developed into an allegory .
11 This developed into an IATA European exchange system which was subsequently taken over by IATA HQ in Montreal during the mid 1960s .
12 Like the Founder 's Day Service , this too has developed into an impressive annual event .
13 As Raynor ( 1969 ) noted , the first use of the term ‘ middle class ’ in Britain was probably in the early years of the nineteenth century ( Raynor quotes the Oxford English Dictionary 's date of 1812 ) , and it was during the nineteenth century that the ‘ middle class ’ developed into an identifiable and vocal , if rather vaguely defined , social collectivity .
14 28 Dim piece developed into an outbreak ( 8 )
15 The store manager believed these qualities were innate , whereas the personnel manager believed they developed as a person developed into an adult , from which point they could not be altered .
16 In five years time from now it will have developed into an all powerful , constitutionally independent institution responsible for the Community 's monetary and exchange rate policies .
17 Western fears in general were receding that the USSR might be tempted to launch a pre-emptive attack before Nato had developed into an effective military force .
18 With Mr Wroe 's Virgins ( BBC2 last night ) , a footnote developed into an acclaimed novel by Jane Rogers is now a four-part television drama , with the author writing the screenplay .
19 Over the years , it has progressed and developed into an efficient organisation employing more than sixty staff , with an annual turnover of more than £1 million .
20 And what began as apparently inter-tribal friction developed into an on going township war between the A N C , the Zulu-based Inkahta movement and the State Security Forces .
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