Example sentences of "presence of so " in BNC.

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1 In the aftermath of the Orthodox Church leaders ' summit in Istanbul last month , when the assembled patriarchs spoke — as much in sorrow as in anger — of the proselytism addressed at their flock by what was carefully described as ‘ certain elements ’ in the Catholic Church , the mere presence of so benign a Catholic as Cardinal Hume in Moscow could well encourage local Catholics and Orthodox alike to reassess any confrontational attitudes to one another and to concentrate rather on their common ground , thus furthering mutual respect , concern and understanding .
2 She urged me to go with her to concerts and the theatre , and took me as her guest to the Edinburgh International Club which , owing to the presence of so many servicemen from overseas , was then an active and flourishing society .
3 The greens and golds were all faded and darkened to a dull blackish colour that looked all the drabber in the presence of so many fresh flowers .
4 Although it was quite usual for sons to follow fathers into the printing trade , the presence of so many sisters suggests that composing was quickly recognized as a good opening for a girl .
5 The presence of so many donors has added an enormous administrative workload to an already struggling MOH .
6 There had been high spots , of course — particularly the grand couloir , with its subterranean lake and its vast stalactites overhanging the uncannily still green water — but the presence of so much technology and the chattering tourists had the effect of reducing a natural wonder to the level of a modern theme park .
7 If the centre was given some notice of the team 's arrival , and if the team were lead by a SCOTVEC officer , then not only would the profile of subject assessment be raised but the centre could use the presence of so many SCOTVEC staff in a positive way for staff development purposes .
8 This debate is taking place in the early hours of the morning , but the presence of so many of my hon. Friends underlines the importance which the Opposition attach to it , which contrasts starkly with the importance that the Government attach to it .
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