Example sentences of "moved down [art] " in BNC.

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1 Children in the congregation watched the diamonds slowly grow squarer , less elongated , as the sun moved down the sky .
2 They lifted her gently onto their shoulders and moved down the chapel .
3 This manifested itself quite dramatically on a few occasions when , the holding screws having sheared , the rail curled up behind the tank as it moved down the slope .
4 One way would be to have a chemical whose concentration was fixed at one end of the line , and this concentration decreased as one moved down the line .
5 Two months later in a game against Hearts he moved down the human anatomy , this time fouling the opposition fullback Steve Hamilton , who was helped off the pitch with stud marks on his stomach .
6 He put his arm through the handle of the basket , picked up the oil-lamp and moved down the hall on slippered feet .
7 Holding on to the railings , he moved down the passage between the church and the presbytery .
8 As he stood watching Massingham looked up , caught his eye , and moved down the nave towards him .
9 Getting up from his chair , he left it burning , the pale flame staining the air , and moved down the nave through the grille and into the back of the church .
10 She transferred the Beretta from her shoulder holster to her anorak pocket then moved down the row of freight cars , checking for the serial number which corresponded with the one Teufel had written down for her .
11 All the rabbits had heard the story before : on winter nights , when the cold draught moved down the warren passages and the icy wet lay in the pits of the runs below their burrows ; and on summer evenings , in the grass under the red may and the sweet , carrion-scented elder bloom .
12 Petion moved down the sparsely decorated hall to keep an eye out for anyone approaching .
13 Successive waves spread through the Canadian archipelago to northwest Greenland , moved down the Mackenzie River , and crossed eastward to Labrador and southern Greenland .
14 The Robemaker moved forward , prodding Nuadu onwards and , as they moved down the centre of the Workshop , the blazing furnaces roaring on each side of them , Nuadu felt his skin already shrivelling from the heat .
15 Fenella moved down the narrow , steep slope with the stunted trees and the blackened , scarred ground and felt , as she neared the Workshops , a thick , clotted malevolence belching out towards them .
16 She turned , joining the line of boarding passengers , holding out her pass to the tiny Han stewardess , then moved down the aisle towards her seat .
17 His eyes moved down the body , knowing that others had looked before him .
18 Dressed completely in black , she moved down the hall like some silent spider and stood over the coroner .
19 The pair moved down the centre line and halted square and dead centre .
20 His hand moved down the length of her body , stroking away her remaining garments , his eyes watching her as she shivered with delight , shaking her head wildly , and he bent his head , a growl of satisfaction leaving his throat in a completely masculine way .
21 Louis moved down the Rhine by ship from Worms , Charles with his horsemen travelled overland across the Hunsrück ( " a difficult route " on which the benefits of hard training showed ) , to meet up at Koblenz on 18 March .
22 He moved down the column .
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