Example sentences of "knows it [is] " in BNC.

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1 Hidden by her handmaids she is seen to blush , then turns to Actaeon and throws water in his face to blind him , to stop him seeing her naked , but that is not enough and she knows it is not enough , and soon he feels the horns growing on his forehead , dat sparso capiti vivacis cornus cervis , she caused to grow on his head the horns of the long-lived stag , as if the cost of seeing her naked had to be death , first metamorphosis then death .
2 The statesman as artist — God knows it is a dubious and dangerous idea , but to get rid of it Probably involves demoting statesmen and aspiring statesmen from the privileged position that they still enjoy in public estimation .
3 Everyone knows it is in their interest to give Heron the time to sell on its property .
4 Anyone who has ever witnessed a ‘ meet the people ’ exercise knows it is an absurdity .
5 The Telegraph 's argument was wrong then and everyone knows it is wrong now .
6 The teacher of ‘ The Way West ’ knows it is going to take perhaps several lessons before they really understand , from an adult point of view , what responsibility such a decision entails .
7 Somehow the salmonella knows it is not E. coli even though it would not require many mutations for it to become E. coli , or the reverse .
8 But if imitation is the sincerest form of flattery , O'Neill knows it is no guarantee of success .
9 Morris says the ISV council ‘ knows it is a problem . ’
10 A third party which knows it is dealing with a State acting on behalf of another State should ensure that any agreements fall within the authority of the protecting State .
11 God knows it is hard enough to get him off to sleep in that place and he 's asleep now . "
12 It is a bold colonization by a group that knows it is — and shows itself to be — in the ascendant .
13 Although she is outwardly blind to the truth , I believe that , at some deep level of her psyche , she knows it is far too late for the expulsion of Original Sin .
14 He knows it is the hostages , the old witch , her precious daughter , and her whelp , and he 's scared to the marrow of his bones .
15 Bill knows it is wrong .
16 Goodness knows it is difficult enough for the BBC to carry on , week in , week out , reporting from Bosnia .
17 This time , he knows it is going to be tight but he is ready .
18 We believe he knows it is , but ca n't bring himself to admit it .
19 She said she knows it is n't what Ruth said it is , it 's something else .
20 ‘ I 'll say anythink you say , sir , for I knows it 's good . ’
21 Everyone knows it 's the most important contest on the Tour .
22 Everyone knows it 's an act of kindness rescuing those niggers from the heathen savagery of their native land .
23 The tourist was well built , stronger possibly than either Creed or McGowan , but there was a pleading look in his eyes now , like a dog that knows it 's going to be kicked .
24 The only thing I 'm bent out of shape about is that nobody knows it 's a different pickup ; everyone thinks it 's a regular Trembucker !
25 As a professional cook , Caroline finds the Christmas meal plain sailing — but she knows it 's a task which sends many people into a flap .
26 Everyone knows it 's a stagnant market .
27 She 's proud of these ideals — and of the success they have brought … she knows it 's the moment for a just reward .
28 In subtle ways , he seeks praise and affirmation from those he knows it 's safe to trust .
29 ‘ That 's all I know about the situation down there , ’ Talbot said , ‘ and heaven knows it 's little enough .
30 Certainly the Pentagon knows it 's already under investigation , but Hawkins did n't want anyone to know that he was pointing fingers in certain directions .
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