Example sentences of "tell he the " in BNC.

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1 Since I had collected a handsome pay-out from Ladbrokes a year earlier with money on Alesi I thought it only fair to 'phone Ken Tyrrell and tell him the odds .
2 I dressed and rushed through the streets to Dana 's place , and after prolonged hammering on his door managed to wake him and tell him the news .
3 Take him away , Sergeant , and tell him the facts of life !
4 So , we toast the railway station and I tell him the only Czech joke I know .
5 Then she spotted a public telephone and decided she could not wait another minute to call Nick and tell him the job was completed .
6 All you need is enough 10–20mm diameter pea gravel to form a layer about 2in ( 50mm ) thick over the path or drive area ; your supplier will advise you on how much to order if you tell him the size of the area .
7 Richard Dorment of the Daily Telegraph said : ‘ What a pity a dealer did not take him aside and tell him the work he proposed to exhibit was unexhibitable … a visual boredom so total that no amount of metaphor or allusion can give it the kiss of life ’ .
8 ‘ Then go to Rebecque and tell him the bad news . ’
9 Tell him the coast is clear . ’
10 When his ears tell him the truth , he will not listen .
11 A little before midnight Miriam , who had been unable to sleep , came over to see him and tell him the news .
12 " Hell buy ten grand 's worth of … ( an electronics company ) , if I tell him the latest profit figures .
13 I tell him the amount Letterman has promised .
14 Tell him the position .
15 By itself it does n't prove a thing , but it 's my way of getting them to take me to Strathspeld for the funeral ; I can look McDunn in the eye and tell him the truth and he knows it 's the truth and he 'll take me .
16 I ’ m going to write to James , and tell him the true story .
17 Tell him the things are for Peter , the boy who was sorry about the coal , then he will understand .
18 But another goblin tiptoed up to him and whispered , " Tell him the sun-god promised that you would be the mightiest warrior in the world . "
19 " Tell him the sun-god promised that you would be the wisest of men , " whispered the third goblin .
20 Tell him the thieves have fallen out . ’
21 ‘ He says he 's interested in building up a representative collection of primitive and tribal art , but when we tell him the best place to look is in his own back yard , as it were , he tells us he does n't want Abo art , ’ James said , trying unsuccessfully to pronounce the last two words of his sentence with what he imagined was an Australian accent .
22 Tell him the truth , ’ he said .
23 ‘ Then tell him the truth , ’ Sabine said with bravado .
24 Will the Chancellor have a word with his Chief Secretary and tell him the facts of life , which are that the burden of taxation is much higher than it was in 1970 when the Labour party was in office ?
25 Give me five minutes , then call your Super and tell him the situation here . ’
26 I 'll have to wait until Bluebeard 's in a mellow mood and tell him the truth .
27 There was a harshness on his face as he moved towards her , a determination to make her tell him the answers he sought , and she looked away .
28 And she must , she must , tell him the truth about Thomas .
29 Tell him the doctor is doing a survey of all the people in Santa Barbara .
30 Tell him the bits that he does do right .
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