Example sentences of "doubt that he " in BNC.

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1 There can be no doubt that he had an ear for what such people have to say for themselves .
2 There can be no doubt that he was devoted to his father — his first book , published 13 years later , was dedicated ‘ To the memory of my father : Nathan B. Cohen ’ and there are a number of references to him in Leonard 's work .
3 Stoute has stated that Cordoba 's Guineas odds are absurdly low , but there is no doubt that he holds the colt in extremely high regard .
4 To anyone who knew Lewis in the second half of his life , and remarked his preference for boys ' books such as R. M. Ballantyne or Captain Marryat over the so-called ‘ moderns ’ , there can be no doubt that he was here addressing a warning not just to his brother but to himself .
5 He is a man used to having his orders carried out , and there is no doubt that he has the toughness needed for cleaning out the bank .
6 In 1980–1 , in the first Test to be played on his home ground in Antigua , there was never any doubt that he was going to mark the occasion with a century , and , as we shall see , when England returned five years later he marked that occasion in the most spectacular fashion .
7 There was no doubt that he was drawn to her ; he would greet her before anyone else in the room , and kiss her , sometimes once , sometimes twice , sometimes cupping her face in his hands .
8 There was no doubt that he could write well about high society , but the market for that sort of thing was dwindling .
9 Wilson had to trot briskly , to keep up with his wife ; and he trotted responsibly , because there was no doubt that he was proud of his charge — tall and upright as a Grenadier Guard as she was , and issuing instructions in the way that I imagine a Grenadier might , so that when they were at home her voice would sometimes float right up the road and into our garden , ‘ Wilson !
10 And Goebbels 's own diary jottings leave little doubt that he thought morale was severely shaken by the bombing , and the will to resist potentially weakened .
11 There is no doubt that he was being obstinate and suspicious , but his competence had been proved by his latest publication .
12 There is no doubt that he owed much to Peter Collinson for various introductions and was especially grateful for one who assisted with his son William 's career .
13 The story of how Nobel produced dynamite by stabilising nitroglycerin ( by mixing with kieselguhr ) is skilfully told , while readers are left in no doubt that he became very disillusioned when his explosives were used for warfare .
14 Exactly what Reagan said remains a mystery , but the very fact that he did not dismiss the idea out of hand as quite contrary to all his public statements about Iran certainly left those u the meeting in no doubt that he wanted the deal to go ahead .
15 The Emperor accepted the request with good grace and his habitual courtesy , but there can be no doubt that he viewed the events in Spain with alarm .
16 I have no doubt that he would have been diagnosed as NSU today and treated accordingly .
17 Because there was no doubt that he had come to London in search of a scoop .
18 Of course , there was no doubt that he would go back .
19 Fast , quick-witted and determined as a player , demanding and insistent as a manager , there was little doubt that he would snatch his career back from the brink of failure .
20 George took early retirement at the age of 59 , and there 's no doubt that he felt he had been pushed — he had loved his job as a laboratory manager for a large company , but the firm was making massive redundancies , and he had to go .
21 Before the water reached his knees he knew without a shadow of doubt that he would never be able to stand at waist depth .
22 But when she saw his look of mingled amazement and indignation , she knew beyond a doubt that he had nothing to do with it .
23 But there can be little doubt that he had two causes in mind , and great probability that he had also a third .
24 I daresay that Grandad enjoyed that because there is no doubt that he was fond of a drink .
25 From the facial resemblance there was no doubt that he was her son .
26 Jean-Paul was in no doubt that he was on to a good deal .
27 But there seems no doubt that he does whistle . ‘
28 While Wordsworth later adopted an attitude of hostility to tourists — he fought the coming of the railways in the 1840s tooth and nail — there is no doubt that he aided and abetted their holiday plans .
29 It is too late to undo the meddling in the Presidential election but John Major should leave Mr Clinton in no doubt that he bitterly regrets what was done .
30 Although it is no easier to blame either him or Diana completely for the separation than it is with any parting couple , it is beyond doubt that he is principally responsible .
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