Example sentences of "doubt [conj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Christians today are not normally known for their candour about doubt or for their confident ability to resolve it .
2 If , as a result , he rejects the statement , then it will not satisfy us if he tells us all about his feelings of doubt or about his feelings of conviction as to his perceptions .
3 There can be little doubt that since the 1944 Act , and more particularly since 1974 , power and influence have been moving significantly from the local scene to the national stage .
4 THERE 'S little doubt that over the past decade the British public has been moving towards the Tory party 's ideal of a nation of home owners .
5 Although the primary importance of state benefits in financing old age may decline in the future as both the opportunities and the incentives increase for today 's working population to accumulate private assets for retirement , there can be little doubt that over the last eighty years state pensions have been instrumental in sustaining a considerable degree of economic independence among the retired population .
6 There can be no doubt that over the whole range covered by these attempted distinctions there are substantial differences of immediacy and perception of use and need .
7 I do n't think there was any doubt that over the year we were the best team in Scotland , ’ he said .
8 In general , there is no doubt that through the entire post-war period the readership of the national press reflected divisions of social class and education more distinctly than anything else — age , gender , religion , political attitude and so on .
9 Losing his life in the crash of Avro York in the foothills of the Alps late in 1944 , there is no doubt that despite the controversy that still surrounds the Big Wing theory , the RAF lost one of its most brilliant commanders .
10 There is little doubt that under any future administration we will get a larger supply of index-linked gilts . ’
11 There can be little doubt that under the terms of the Common Foreign and Security policy , there would have been no European response to Saddam Hussein 's aggression .
12 There is no doubt that to his contemporaries he seemed , for much of his reign , the outstanding example of a modern and enlightened ruler .
13 ( b ) There can be no doubt that as a result of the Boer War the 20th century in England , opened in a sense of national doubt .
14 Michael Attenborough of Hodder commented : ‘ For any publisher , losing an author all of whose books have sold over a million copies in their UK editions — and I have no doubt that As the Crow Flies will join them soon — is very regrettable .
15 ‘ I do n't think there 's much doubt that as a person I ranked pretty low , but for me — ’ she shook her head ‘ — well , I 've just never felt so attracted , so compelled by someone , the way I did with him .
16 Despite the assurances of the Director of his Department that he was favourably looked upon , and despite the fact that there was no doubt that at his office he was being treated with a subtle air of respect , nothing formal or official about his promotion had been announced ; and as he knew very well , a change of Directorship , a shift in Government economic policy , even a chill wind in international relations , could mean the end of his hopes .
17 There can be little doubt that at the time Constantine took control of the Western empire , Christianity can have been the religion of only a minority , though perhaps not so tiny a minority as has sometimes been thought .
18 There is no doubt that it happens , no doubt that some child sex rings use forms of ‘ ritual ’ , no doubt that many of them produce child pornography , and no doubt that at the centre of some rings are extremely powerful men .
19 Even if it is likely that a Labour administration would have failed in the round to solve Britain 's fundamental problems , there is little doubt that at a minimum there would have been a substantial redistribution of income and some attempt to reform the City , regulate public utilities more strongly and determinedly tackle the homelessness problem .
20 There is no doubt that at common law there is no effective remedy for an individual who is harmed due to insider dealing .
21 For the first time in her life Horatia was terrified of Rossmayne There was insanity in his eyes , and she knew without a doubt that at that moment he wanted to murder her .
22 This was not simply a boastful assertion of the worth of his own cultural background , for there is no doubt that at this time the Dalmatians included theologians , philosophers , poets and lawyers whose ‘ minds were admired by Italy itself ’ .
23 Yet there is no doubt that at earlier periods he was wont often to exercise both his pleasantry and ingenuity in talking Jacobitism . ’
24 381 , 384 ‘ There is no doubt that at common law if a wife chooses wilfully and without justification to live away from her husband she can not , so long as she continues absent , render him liable for the necessaries supplied to her , or for her maintenance by the union , for the reason that she has of her own free will deprived herself of the opportunity which the husband was affording her of being maintained in the home .
25 There is equally little doubt that at this period , when the idea of tearing out ancient roots was still strange and terrifying to most people , some kind of cataclysmic force was still required to drive them into the unknown .
26 He argues : ‘ I have little doubt that on average we will see a premium of about a third , but it could take a few weeks to get there .
27 There is no doubt that on the traditional approach we are going to have difficulty in countering the arguments for scepticism about other minds .
28 There can be no doubt that on Sheet 145 of the Ordnance Survey , with which we are immediately concerned , there are by-roads which will prove eventually to be Romano-British in origin .
29 There is thus no doubt that on the older authorities the courts have refused to review by way of certiorari the decision of a visitor even though they were prepared to grant mandamus to require him to act or to prohibit him from acting in excess of jurisdiction .
30 To be fair , there is no doubt that with luck , commonsense and sensible advice many people have done very well out of privatisation shares .
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