Example sentences of "shop on the " in BNC.

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1 Actress Arkie Whiteley 's collie-cross , Merkin , was stolen from outside a shop on the Portobello Road , London , on April 29 .
2 My English travelling companion was game to try the dulse seaweed , which is a speciality in Ballycastle , so I went into a little shop on the seafront .
3 There 's a charity shop on the main road where sometimes me and Marie go .
4 The shop on the corner sells string — I know cos I seen it — so I ask if I should go and buy some .
5 ‘ But then I thought , no , let's go crazy , ’ says Alison , ‘ so I went shopping and found the shorts in a shop on the King 's Road that specialises in tight gear .
6 It quoted a Polish couple who arrived in Hungary yesterday as saying that they were in a large shop on the main square when two or three thousand people began chanting anti-Ceausescu slogans outside .
7 Over to the right was the main street , with a grocer 's shop on the corner and a straggle of grey houses .
8 Thus the Free Presbyterians ( and other conservative Christians ) who picketed a newly opened sex shop on the Castlereagh Road in Belfast ( so successfully that it closed ) saw themselves , not as denying anyone their basic right to sin , but as preventing further incitement and encouragement to sin .
9 He also owned a shop on the main street , selling hardware and tinned foods and some garden produce .
10 Shawn Slater , 25 , whose grandfather ran a fish and chip shop on the seafront at Bournemouth , is the new , disarming face of the Ku Klux Klan in America , intent on building on the political success of neo-Nazi groups in Germany and France .
11 I do n't know how seriously he is considering the offer , but he was buying every book in the shop on the subject of the Far East .
12 ‘ You usually go to the shop on the corner after school , for some chewing gum … ’
13 Chéron paid Modigliani a louis , a gold piece worth twenty francs , for his day 's work in his shop on the Rue de la Boétie .
14 By December 1917 Madame Weill had moved from her tiny shop on the Rue Victor-Masse , where she pinned up her pictures with clothes-pegs on an overhead wire like washing , to a more imposing venue , Galerie B. Weill , 50 Rue Taitbout in the 9th arrondissement .
15 You 'll find the telephone number of your local shop on the back cover .
16 You 'll find the number of your local shop on the back cover .
17 My interest in China was increased from time to time by my acquaintance with a Cantonese who operated a shoe repair shop on the High Street .
18 From the time that I was eight years of age , on coming out from Morning Service , I could not hang about with my friends , but had to dash to the Sunday Newspaper seller who operated a pitch outside Wilkes , Son and Cassey 's Ironmongers Shop on the corner of Milford Street and Queen Street .
19 The Milford Hill section between Culver Street and Rampart Road was mainly private housing with the exception of White 's Baker 's Shop on the Guilder Lane corner and St. Martin 's Men 's Club on the south corner with Rampart Road .
20 George Bernard Shaw 's gentle comedy , written in 1933 , is a tender and touching tale of the battle between the sexes — with locations ranging from the sun-drenched deck of the pleasure ship Empress of Patagonia to a village shop on the Downs !
21 It was as they left the café that Kelly noticed a Lamborghini , bearing the number plate FAY 1 , badly parked outside a chemist 's shop on the High Street .
22 People gathered in groups outside the burger place ; others went to buy cigarettes from the Indian shop on the corner and then stood at the bus stop .
23 To illustrate , let us eavesdrop on Mrs Smith : ‘ I went to that little shop on the corner , you know the one , bought by Miss Thingambob when poor old Mr Whatshisname went to Australia or somewhere with his asthma .
24 So Charles and his family lived in the southernmost house and shop on the east side of the street , a fact confirmed by a deed of 1783 which defined the property in question as being immediately to the north of a stable , killing house and other buildings owned by Daniel Rossiter , clothier .
25 One ran a shoe shop on the Shankhill Road in Belfast where he sold cut-price footwear until the local peoPle chased him .
26 It was one of the rituals of this lonely spinster 's life that every day she would take her chihuahua to the shop on the corner and back again .
27 The furniture shop on the right is now Forte 's corner restaurant .
28 In contrast , the streetwise dealers require quicker money , and may end up in a bucket shop on the Continent .
29 The new , corner site is not far from the original shop on the Fulham Road , a catchment area which has provided a growing customer base for independent booksellers Andrew and Harriet Currie .
30 We later managed to track down their elusive boss , Halim , a fragile , sharp-eyed father of twelve , in the back of his porcelain shop on the waterfront .
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