Example sentences of "down [art] long " in BNC.

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1 At the junction with the road she braked just long enough to see that nothing was coming then turned right and careered wildly down the long hill into the village .
2 Freewheeling down the long hill , Mungo was aware of a large , pale shape by his right shoulder .
3 Sweeping down the long hill , past a blackened church with its sooty gravestones among the trees , Stanley and his passengers got their first sight of the problem .
4 He paused only to smooth down his unruly black hair and tuck his vest into his pants before groping his way down the long dark corridor to the kitchen door .
5 He knew he should turn right into Longside Lane , then left down the long hill that was Shearbridge Road , then left again and up to the very top of Thorpe Street .
6 The God he had seen , or half seen , while riding a tricycle down the long cobbled road which passed the house where he had been born .
7 She tugged at Sadie 's sleeve and they walked on down the long aisle of the hall .
8 The result is a set of viewpoints on contemporary man down the long corridor of his evolutionary past .
9 ‘ Everyone loves dressing up , you know ’ , my ten year-old companion said to me as we walked together through Charlecote Park in Warwickshire down the long driveway to the sixteenth century gatehouse .
10 He answered Buckmaster 's question as he turned off the road between lodge gates and proceeded down the long drive across open parkland .
11 She led the way , still chattering , down the long dark corridor which acted as a wind tunnel , and kept the rectory in a state of refrigeration during the winter months .
12 It overlooks the birthplace of the lovely River Eden and nurtures and shelters its flow down the long strath of Mallerstang towards an ultimate destination in the Solway Firth .
13 She dropped down and started groping round on the floor as the bus sped down the long hill into town .
14 That was the time when I stood in all that fluid with my boots on , a priceless carpet under my feet , hounds never seen on the earth before lying still and obedient before me , staring out of that maternal portico with its flanking columns , down the long avenue of limes that lead to birth , life and Arcadia .
15 As they approached down the long corridor she could see George , the sacrificial dummy , slumped over the console : the bait for Forster 's trap .
16 They are well spread out down the long narrow winding village , built originally along the edge of marshland , hence the ‘ Sea-ton ’ .
17 For Rio has indeed been cleaned up ; not only through the grisly environmental ‘ improvements ’ — the murder of its street-children — but by constant clearances of the poor , exiled to vast cities on the periphery : down the long , dangerous ten-lane concrete canyon of the Avenida do Brasil .
18 The September night was hot and humid but it did not perturb Constance as she struggled through the crowds of noisy , gesticulating passengers purposefully carrying cardboard boxes , mattresses and crates of chickens down the long platform .
19 Up three floors in the elevator , and away down the long corridor that was chaos because the electricians were rewiring the floor , and on to the security gate into Bureau territory .
20 Every few minutes the guns would halt as some obstruction worked its way down the long column .
21 We set off in my Toyota down the now familiar road , past the police Training Centre , where motorcycling policemen were once taught to do multiple handstands on BSA motorcycles , past the Firewood project , a scheme to plant a fast-growing species of tree , now abandoned , down the long , straight , rutted road lined with workshops , past the ruined dairy farm , past more shacks which are alive with banana sellers , wood choppers , and maize roasters .
22 Molly Pargeter 's drive down the long , rutted track across the hills to Mondano was part of a journey that had started in her childhood and only reached its present stage when , in the middle of a freezing London January , she read the advertisement in the Daily Telegraph : Villa to let near small Tuscan town .
23 Or else led step by step down the long stairs
24 The cereals grown would have been taken down the long lane to the water mill to be ground for flour , whilst vegetables , poultry and perhaps pigs would have been raised in the crofts behind each farmstead in the village street .
25 Earlier that day , when school had ended at a quarter to four , Hilary Frome had walked down the long road towards Cullbridge with Willis and Quigly .
26 Most of the teachers lingered a few minutes in the staff room , not from any affection for the place , but to allow the unruly mob of boys to get down the long road that led to Cullbridge , and thence to disperse to the bus station , to Wimpy bars , the library or their various homes .
27 I followed her gaze down the long empty platform and there at the other end stood a tall figure .
28 Theodora wound her way down the long narrow garden , bowing her head under the arching tendrils of the old roses , edging past the organic asparagus bed and avoiding the hazard of the flight paths of bees intent on making for their two hives .
29 It seemed as if her silence at last unnerved her father because he turned to speak to her just before they were to walk together down the long aisle .
30 I read them and cried as they took me back through time , down the long bloody passageways of the last seventy-five years .
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