Example sentences of "concern [was/were] with " in BNC.

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1 Despite his well known views on EC federalism , de Gaulle 's first concern was with Germany , although , unlike his successors , he did not want to employ supranational structures to contain Germany .
2 And although Gibson 's initial concern was with verbal learning , subsequent experimental investigations of ‘ stimulus pre-differentiation ’ , as it came to be called , were conducted in a range of transfer paradigms .
3 His initial concern was with the transition from work to retirement and he has subsequently been involved in work on health education , notably the role of community care as it relates to older people .
4 The coining of the term ‘ ideology ’ is normally attributed to Destutt de Tracy whose concern was with the ‘ science of ideas ’ which sought the origins of ideas in human sensations .
5 As we shall see , however , Marx did not describe the relationship in any detail — his primary concern was with describing material , economic relations between human beings .
6 His concern was with the consciousness of groups , specifically classes and particularly the proletariat .
7 His only concern was with the integrity of souls in obedience to the laws of God .
8 That confrontation was none of Sharpe 's business ; his concern was with the two horsemen who now faced him in the wood.They glanced past Sharpe , judging how best to rejoin their comrades , though it was clear they wanted Sharpe 's life first .
9 By Paul I 's time , however , Russia 's primary concern was with the destabilizing energy radiating from revolutionary France .
10 When , during the 1930s and 1940s , the concern was with the quantity as much as with the quality of population this particular objection carried little weight , although being drawn upon as a reason for not restricting a national scheme of family allowances to the working classes alone .
11 The government 's concern was with the level of public expenditure rather than with the relationship between grant and local income by itself .
12 In any event , in so far as Congress was interested in Asia , and had assumed many direct responsibilities , its concern was with military assistance and 99-year leases on bases in the Philippines and the dilemmas of policy that these signalled towards China .
13 In this paper Cayley 's concern was with systems of elements satisfying the equation unc and for both n = 4 and n = 6 he showed that there is essentially just one other system besides the set of complex nth roots of unity .
14 Mauss 's underlying concern was with individualism as an aspect of the fragmentation and disembedded nature of capitalist society .
15 Old Testament morality , wreaking vengeance on the political establishment , was displaced by imagery of ‘ the perfect man ’ , as Dean Inge of St Pauls called him , whose overriding concern was with ‘ his ’ duties to the state .
16 Cadfael went about his work all the more assiduously because a part of his mind was elsewhere , and he felt its absence as guilt , even though his concern was with a serious matter of justice , guilt and innocence .
17 As with security and intelligence organizations in other countries , the KGB was involved in widespread operations abroad , but a major part of its concern was with Soviet citizens themselves .
18 But to the new professional researcher a Hellenic ideal was something that belonged to the modern world outside ; and while he might privately approve , his professional concern was with a self-contained world of antiquity .
19 But since his principal concern was with the psychological effect of poetry on the reader , he did not carry this sort of analysis very far .
20 She was identified with orthodox communism , but her concern was with party unity and she was aware that the PCE needed to distance itself from Moscow to survive .
21 The CNAA 's central concern was with standards , with the negotiation , approval and reapproval of courses through explicit validation procedures , with the quality of the student 's academic environment .
22 For such men , enclosure of their lands could be the next step ( 62 ) , and it is worth remembering that even John Hales , the mid-sixteenth-century opponent of enclosures , was prepared to admit that enclosure per se was not necessarily evil : his particular concern was with the turning of arable fields into pasture ( 58 , p.180 ) .
23 In 1981 the concern was with the economic costs of control , with cutting public expenditure and with ‘ freeing ’ private initiative from unnecessary governmental controls .
24 In the early 1970s the concern was with the enormous increase in planning applications and planning appeals .
25 I , of course , at the sharp end felt but a slight tremor and my concern was with the loss of lateral control and my instrument panel disintegrating in front of me .
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