Example sentences of "involved with [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Professor Barrie Wilson , Vice-Principal of Edinburgh University , who has been one of those most closely involved with implementing recent management changes , says staff are still mainly concerned with teaching well and doing lots of research .
2 Burstall and Kay report that in the case of NAEP early opposition from teacher unions was partly based upon fear of a backwash effect and , indeed , it appears to have been a worry for those involved with setting up the APU testing programme .
3 He was totally involved with looking , both at the fine details of the minutest forms and tiny plants and of the scene as a whole .
4 Fifteen years ago , many of the cases SAVE was involved with caused ridicule amongst our critics .
5 At a press conference Ayah singled out the US ambassador , Smith Hempstone , as having an attitude " of a slave-owner " and as having been " personally involved with organizing dissidents " .
6 She has been involved with promoting freedom of information in local government .
7 The status which nuclear power achieved because of its link with the defence of the realm was also retained even when its day-to-day operations were more involved with producing peaceful electricity .
8 Ball , who joined the club in 1960 has been involved with coaching duties since 1983 .
9 The Team will be directed by Margaret Charlwood who was closely involved with coaching the original team at our own festival at the R.A.H. in 1978 .
10 The ward nurses will need information from the patient and his family and from other people who may be involved with helping him in the community .
11 ‘ Many people from Capenhurst were involved with helping to give Alan therapy and taking part in the charity events , ’ said Peter Pears , chairman of the benevolent fund which also gave a donation .
12 Jeremy Spafford from Oxford 's Housing Aid Centre is specifically involved with helping single people who find themselves well down the list when it comes to being provided with a home .
13 Three of the team are actively involved with Recoup .
14 The additional expenditure totalling seven thousand five hundred and three pounds claimed B one nine seven also includes those items which would be incurred with any move and other items which would be involved with furnishing two extra rooms .
15 This system may require some initial experimentation to familiarise oneself with exposure times , chemical strengths etc. , but it is much more convenient in many respects , especially if you are involved with designing/prototyping as well as routine project building .
16 What are the main risks involved with investing outside your country of residence ?
17 Ask for guidance for those involved with organising the BMS Bicentenary Celebrations .
18 She never really enjoyed teaching and is now , by a happy chance , employed as a social worker for the elderly , ‘ very much involved with organising community care ’ .
19 We were wrong about there being a Canberra Watergate , with Australian politicians found to be corruptly involved with mining companies — still , it was a nice try .
20 Since anthropology is so much involved with recreating alien belief-worlds , with all the varied and competing value-systems that exist in other cultures , just as in our own , literary critics who would wish to acquire more flexibility in dealing with that collision of view-points which forms the basic experience of drama could do worse than to consult the anthropologists .
21 We would suggest you try a mains filter before getting involved with trying to eliminate radiated r.f.i .
22 We now have two new people involved with bringing you the news — Anne Seaton , away up in Scotland , who is helping with page three 's editing and Victoria Osborne , from Surrey , in a more general way , her first contribution is the report of our very successful Reunion held last November .
23 Anybody who is involved with teaching computing students will recognise many of the traits mentioned in the article .
24 In practice , this means getting involved with lobbying in Brussels and Westminster on behalf of the industry , and acting as a representative in dealings with Trading Standards Environmental Health and the health and Safety Executive .
25 The remainder of the chapter deals with some circumstances in which nurses are directly involved with assisting patients who have problems in maintaining a safe environment .
26 She has been involved with assisting at church services which were relevant to issues of world poverty .
27 Most the people who were involved with getting the town together , from the beginning
28 I 'd been muttering unhappily to a couple of friends about how hopelessly disorganized a particular campaign I 'd got involved with seemed to be when a strange man next to us started a similar but louder tirade about how useless Switchboard was , how everyone knew they were ripping off money from their fund raising and what a lousy job they did in his ( extremely small and third-hand ) experience .
29 Organisations whose networks he has been involved with include Texas Instruments , General Motors , Boeing , Sears , U.S. Army and Navy , GTE , Singer , TRW , ALCOA , Pacific Bell , Australian Telecom , British Telecom and J.C .
30 Did he and Nicola Schreider fancy the rural life for a change , while Guy was temporarily involved with carving up Chesters ?
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