Example sentences of "put her back " in BNC.

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1 As he put her back on her feet , George threw back his head and shouted at the top of his voice — ‘ Ya — ha !
2 So I did something you should n't really do after a bird has completed a successful free flight : I put her back on the creance .
3 ‘ It put her back up .
4 ‘ Well , ’ Karen put her back to the window , leaning against it , and folded her arms .
5 I change the incontinence pad and put her back to bed .
6 And then , when he had taunted her and tempted her until she was shaking with need , with easy strength he lifted her , and put her back down so that his throbbing masculinity was nestled inside the warm and inviting hollow of her body .
7 She went round to her former home in Hardwicke , Gloucestershire , where she was beaten unconscious by Probyn , who put her back into her Renault 19 car took her to the River and some how pushed her in .
8 Tascam made it with a bit of the old ‘ Come All Ye ’ and mouths fell open ‘ aghast ’ when Mr Magic , Sam Woods , placed his assistant in a cabinet , broke it down into five separate pieces , and put her back together again , except that now her head replaced her knee-caps !
9 She 's marvellous , and Debbie put her back out once , I phoned her and she was here in about three minutes
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