Example sentences of "to put in their " in BNC.

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1 His Origin of Forms and Qualities according to the Corpuscular Philosophy ( 1666 ) is a masterpiece of criticism of the Aristotelians ' substantial forms , a detailed classic exposition of the corpuscular theory he wishes to put in their place , and , finally , a compendium of experiments and results , all explained and analysed in corpuscularian terms .
2 So perhaps they 'll use the tiny radio transmitters that cyclists have begun to put in their helmets .
3 When they 've finished the route then can chip off a bit of the climb to put in their gin and tonics !
4 ‘ If they ban equestrian events what are going to put in their place ?
5 but they 're not in control of their body , so you must watch them , talk to them and if , if you can walk along the road with them , talking to them now the , there is the other type where you get the aura , they know they 're going to have a fit , so if somebody at your work place comes along and says to you I 'm gon na have a fit in five minutes , I mean do n't laugh at them and think ha ha , take them to a room where they 're safe and this applies to all epileptic fits , they 've got to be safe , so you 're going to clear a room of any danger , they 're laying down on the floor theirself because they 've got time they know they 're going to have this fit , if they 've got something to put in their mouth alright they will put it in their mouths themselves and once again they 've got five minutes to do it in and then that person will go through their fit , you stay with them , you comply by their wishes , if they say to you right , well just leave me when I come round I , do n't touch me I 'll be alright , they know , so you , you comply by their wish wishes , erm but only go in when you feel it is necessary , if they say right , erm I , I should regain consciousness in ten minutes and they have n't , you 're there , you stay there in case make sure they 're safe , there 's nothing there that can hurt them , then they 'll probably get up at the end of the fit and erm go into a room for a rest and say thank you very much and er , erm that 's it .
6 Most Germans now took little interest in politics , becoming cynical about the authoritarian and military values of the past , and uncertain of what to put in their place .
7 Sultan Mahmud I ( 1730–54 ) attempted to disband the janissaries and to put in their place a modern force , modelled on the standing armies of his European enemies .
8 It 's just the kind of thing they like to put in their newsbooks at school .
9 One thing which has struck me very forcibly through the years is that most of the classic evolutionary lineages of my student days , such as Ostrea-Gryphaea and Zaphrentis delanouei , have long since lost their scientific respectability , and in spite of the plethora of palaeontological information we now have available , there seems to be very little to put in their place .
10 One lawyer cited one of the first such cases to be heard in Scotland : ‘ At one point the tribunal took the case by the scruff of the neck and told the claimants to put in their claim within 14 days and gave the other side the same amount of time for their defences .
11 Leskov believed that " undermining the well-being and tranquillity of society " was the principal object of the intellectuals whom he sought to put in their place .
12 Staff much preferred the " empty shell " type of program which enabled them to put in their own subject content .
13 When the etchings are taken down inmates will have another kind of picture to put in their place .
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