Example sentences of "gives them an " in BNC.

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1 This information is all the more important because of the official nature of coins , which thereby gives them an advantage over other more private inscriptions .
2 The impact of the National Curriculum and all the changes it brings with it gives heads a pressing reason — just as Mr Baker 's off-the-peg allocation of incentive allowances gives them an opportunity — to review the structures and responsibilities of management in their schools .
3 ‘ People ought to be able to decide whether they want to take risks on the basis of information which gives them an idea of how much risk there is , ’ says Helen Peggs , ‘ but at the moment the information they get is often distorted . ’
4 Very small buds can be cut in half , which not only makes them flatter but also gives them an added charm in a finished picture .
5 ‘ Criminals are able to listen in to our car and personal radios with them and that gives them an early warning of our approach . ’
6 They do have an extra point of initiative instead , which puts them on a par with Men and gives them an advantage over Dwarfs .
7 There are the resort hotels , which are seasonal and cater for holidaymakers , though many of these are now also providing facilities for large conferences and trade fairs , which gives them an additional form of income .
8 The students confide that what they really like is the outing , which gives them an excuse to escape from Dublin and meet the ‘ quality ’ .
9 Moreover attempts to relate language classes to other strands systematically have not always been popular , many students preferring a language course which gives them an insight into cultural trends , with texts drawn from recent magazines , broadcasts , etc .
10 Although elderly persons , on the whole , are less geographically mobile than other age groups , the spatially selective nature of their migration gives them an important impact ( Law and Warnes 1982 ) .
11 This system gives them an accommodation of 50 dioptres , the greatest focusing range of any animal .
12 This gives them an advantage over other insects in their tropical rain forest home .
13 ‘ It gives them an interest . ’
14 It gives them an answer to that most terrible question , ‘ And what do you do ? ’
15 It gives them an excuse to use the riot vans — and it beats booking drivers for speeding .
16 It gives them an excuse for piling into Deptford , and it lets them target you for a national man-hunt . ’
17 With a U-form structure , in which the functional basis of decomposition is preserved all the way up the hierarchy , more of top management 's time is devoted to these operational matters , whose pressing need for resolution gives them an urgency not usually attached to issues of a more long-run , strategic kind .
18 or whatever , just let them know roughly what you 're doing , cos , all they get is a tape , it gives them an idea of what sort of things were happening at that time , any words they ca n't pick up if she 's cooking , maybe that 's something she was making or whatever , erm , in the please write the first names and details , why you know them , of all the people speaking on this side of the tape , in order in which they speak on the tape in the first , first instance , right , you know , so now Carla , my husband , myself , Lee and , you do n't need to repeat them again after that
19 three hundred and twenty six gives them an overall majority
20 Now in those circumstances , and I can think of a number of schools where that works very well , the governing body is a very powerful force , for links out from the school into the outside world , not only into business and industry , but also into the L E A , and it 's actually quite a lot of schools quite like to have a County Councillor on their governing body because it gives them an in to the L E A at a policy-making , or an individual decision-making level .
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