Example sentences of "lost in [art] " in BNC.

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1 She saw that he had lost in every way .
2 He hopes he 'll win in the Courts , although he 's lost in every other way .
3 Magda was lost in a poem which was ‘ as independent and unintelligible as reality itself .
4 Irving Layton is not one to be lost in a crowd .
5 Or is dance going to be overloaded and the choreographic design lost in a mass of stage materials , such as too-heavy costumes , an overdose of stage effects and machinery or over-powerful sets which dwarf the dancers .
6 The last time he was at the Phoenix , in Simon Gray 's The Common Pursuit , John Sessions was lost in a soggy , unsympathetic part , while co-stars like Rik Mayall and Stephen Fry hogged all the limelight ; he seemed a non-entity .
7 I think he 's lost in a Victorian vision of Britain . ’
8 The pregnancy itself was lost in a fog .
9 He sat on alone until all unease was lost in a luxury of self-absorption .
10 Bear in mind that the container should be in proportion to the size of the flowers — small blooms are lost in a large vase .
11 Some of its grand design was lost in a Sixties refit .
12 She wondered what had been the use of all that trying to get clean on the train if they were now lost in a place where nobody would ever find them , not even when something happened and they disappeared for ever .
13 The Hon. Mrs Grindlewood-Gryke , ‘ You can call me Mollie ’ , had been a widow since 1979 when her husband was lost in a blizzard .
14 Even the dogs would be hushed as she told the story of the highwayman who came riding , riding by , or the shipwrecked sailor lost in a terrible storm , or the faithful lady who died by the gun to warn her lover that he was riding into a Roundhead trap .
15 You will not see vast amounts of fat lost in a day , but you will come to understand how your behaviour relates to your body weight , and you will also avoid getting a horrendous shock when you step on the scales .
16 Mr Michael Forsyth , Scottish Office Minister , clung to Stirling with a majority of 703 , while the Tories won back Aberdeen South from Labour and Kincardine and Deeside from the Liberal Democrats , a seat lost in a by-election last autumn .
17 Norman , of course , had his chance to win the Masters in 1987 but took five at the 18thand then lost in a play-off to the native Augustan Larry Mize .
18 The Russians are so bureaucratic that any gems of intelligence they might cull are lost in a mass of trivial dross .
19 In his late teens , there were still signs of puppy fat , and his rounded face sat under an unruly head of hair trimmed to the current style , though not especially trendy , and he could be lost in a crowd as being just another boy on the block ; unassuming and unspecial .
20 Outside , a camera-strapped tourist haggles before he hands over some notes for a photograph of a mother lost in a dome of ragged blankets and the two children who peep out behind her .
21 But back in Cuzco I had to fight to recall the strength I had found ; force myself to remember I had been lost in a sixty-million-year-old forest but had found the still centre .
22 Furthermore , my passport was lost in a postal strike in France , and the wheelbarrow was not yet ready , Hawker Siddeley having been hampered by staff shortage and technical snags .
23 The piste disappeared and I stood lost in a maze of tyre-tracks , which shot in every direction .
24 Some inner-London boroughs , such as Kensington and Chelsea , lost in a decade more than one-quarter of their 1971 population total .
25 The master was lost in a fire , no one can put their hands on a pressing , Jubilee does not even have a test copy , and nobody has a tape of it .
26 If the ferret is lost in a small burrow system , simply block all other holes and then place cage traps tight to the main entrances .
27 The extra 1V could be lost in a series resistance , as shown inset in Fig 3 .
28 The biting wind drove the snow before it , so that the whole dale seemed to be lost in a grey mist .
29 Although , sadly , the archives of the British Consulate in Funchal were lost in a flood in 1803 , a few documents were saved , including a notice of the Annual General Meeting of the British Factory on 26 October 1722 .
30 Mr Bates , 43 , of Hawkhurst , Kent , had flown to Miami in February last year to recover £500,000 he had lost in a crooked business deal .
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