Example sentences of "showed that the " in BNC.

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1 Pearson ( 1983 ) further showed that the identification of these groups as ‘ the dangerous classes ’ manifests itself as a continuous historical phenomenon .
2 Working with Raúl Hemández-Peón , he also showed that the auditory ERPs generated in the neurons in the cat 's ear almost disappeared when a salient visual stimulus , for example a mouse , was brought into the cat 's field of view .
3 It showed that the Maronites constituted 29 per cent of the population ( 229,378 ) , the Sunnis 22 per cent ( 175,925 ) and the Shias 19 per cent ( 154,208 ) .
4 I had a second X-ray on my injury last week and it showed that the crack had healed .
5 The decisions follow two recent cases over which the Government was widely criticised — the Prime Minister 's refusal to fund a survey of sexual behaviour to further research about the spread of Aids , and a report by the Institute of Fiscal Studies which showed that the Government 's new way of counting people in the poorest category of the population had reduced the number by 1 million .
6 However , mineralogical analysis showed that the substance can not be found on Earth .
7 It also showed that the greatest health worry of many companies for their male employees was smoking , but added that computers and visual display units ( VDUs ) were rated greater health risks for women .
8 Cornford 's ‘ Resurrection Motive ’ showed that the aspect of physical violence in Old Comedy extended beyond ‘ horseplay ’ to the killing of a principal adversary , sometimes a villain .
9 The heavy fines imposed on Sogat 82 in its 1986 dispute with News International showed that the unions ' inability to carry out secondary or solidarity ‘ blacking ’ weakened their bargaining power .
10 This scheme showed that the British intended to pursue a more centralized aviation service within the Commonwealth , very much at odds with the American ‘ open skies ’ policy .
11 Similarly if in a language a woman referred to her son by the same term as she used for the son of her sister , this showed that the system of terms developed at a time when the two sisters would have been co-wives of the same man or men .
12 A peek through the window showed that the taxi had arrived , brief farewells were made to the men , and Karl left , promising to ring them the next day and making mock threats to Erika and Paul should they forget to meet him the following Sunday .
13 Results of a survey conducted by the Department of Health — the first to be published since the change in the law — showed that the average adult weekly alcohol consumption had not changed between 1987 and 1989 .
14 He said a study showed that the 30-year-old Aviemore Centre required ‘ more or less total renovation ’ , and that a road spur needed to be built off the A9 bypass .
15 After 13 years of development the latest flight tests showed that the system , which costs an estimated $9 billion , was ‘ marginally operationally effective and marginally operationally suitable , ’ according to a recent declassifed navy report .
16 Mr Jack Meredith , chairman of the AMA 's public transport committee , said that while bus patronage was declining prior to deregulation , the Tyson report showed that the fall in journeys was between 100 and 200 million more than would have been expected .
17 Labour 's new environment spokesman , Mr Bryan Gould , attacked the price of shares in the water privatisation , saying it showed that the Government was prepared to accept on behalf of the taxpayer a loss of at least £1.3 billion in order to sell off the water industry .
18 It showed that the bulk of job gains came from enterprises employing five to 19 people — some 290,000 compared with only 20,000 from firms with more than 20 people .
19 Yesterday 's CSO figures showed that the July total had been revised up to £2,487million from the previous £2,225 million figure .
20 Figures released by the Central Statistical Office yesterday showed that the current account was £1.4billion in the red in November , some £300million less than the revised deficit for October and the lowest since March .
21 To coincide with World Environment Day on 5 June 1989 , The Times published a survey which showed that the membership of fifteen green organizations was climbing towards parity with the membership of unions affiliated to the TUC .
22 When , it finally did , reports showed that the Mexican tuna fleet had killed roughly 100,000 dolphins during that year — a rate four times greater than for US boats .
23 Japan , faced with a diplomatic assault on several fronts , responded with a resolution which shifted the onus of proof - drift-netting could be banned if scientific evidence clearly showed that the effects on fish stocks and cetaceans were ‘ not sustainable' ’ .
24 Pierre Beland and Daniel Martineau were members of a research team which showed that the concept of blubber as an inert tissue was incorrect — the ratios of contaminants in samples from over 70 autopsied belugas has shown that toxins are continually exchanged between various tissues .
25 THE latest version of The Economist 's rough-and-ready guide to relative currency values , our annual Big Mac index , published in April , showed that the Hong Kong dollar was the currency most out of line with the American dollar .
26 In 1972 a research paper by American scientists showed that the stable isotope ratios for oxygen and carbon in white marble varied from quarry to quarry , and more extensive research since then has confirmed that such measurements provide a ‘ signature ’ for the marble quarries of Italy , Greece and Turkey , which were the main sources of Classical marble .
27 In 1898 , the first ever photograph of the Shroud showed that the image , when seen in negative , is strikingly life-like ( fig. 8.1 ) .
28 Thermoluminescence dating of the clay core suggested that the statue was only a few centuries old , and this was supported by technical examination and analysis which showed that the casting technology and the metal used were quite typical of the Renaissance , and equally unlike those used by the Romans .
29 Some of these studies showed that the wheel-ruts caused by umbilical hose set-ups were only half as deep as those produced by the equivalent tanker-based equipment .
30 The records showed that the heavenly bodies subdivided into two groups : the Sun , the Moon and the containing sphere of the background stars orbited the earth in near circular paths .
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