Example sentences of "help [to-vb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Sometimes very small things can help to preserve an elderly person 's feeling of value and self-esteem , like encouraging her to make some special dish or cake ( for which she has long been praised in the family circle ) once a week , or on birthdays .
2 However , to prevent friction between country residents and visitors , the Commission is recommending that a new Country Code should be established , and the tourism industry should help to preserve the attractive elements of the country .
3 On the one hand , and most obviously , it comprises a set of repressive practices which among other things may help to preserve the conditions of production by deterring crime .
4 It is hoped that a positive report will emerge which will help to restore the standing of the mineworkers with the business community .
5 Links can be established between home , school and the relevant authority which can help to monitor the child 's progress , review placement and promote a well co-ordinated plan for the pupil 's education .
6 The measure would force up long and short-term interest rates and could help to support the pound .
7 Some biologists saw ecology as a science that would help to support the exploitation of the environment by showing how to minimize the damage caused .
8 At the same time it may help to support the growing recognition of feminist art practice and criticism as a vital and creative part of women 's knowledge .
9 Any progress towards the demolition of these foundations will help to promote a less ageist society and , therefore , one in which social justice for all older people can at last be achieved .
10 Whether or not a notional syllabus will help to promote a communicative competence will depend on just how it is used , how grammatical and situational factors are taken into account in the manner of its implementation .
11 Here are two rules which may help to plan a forced win .
12 Conservationists say the birth of Freckles the duckling will help to publicise the battle to save wetlands .
13 In particular , it will help to realize the following objectives :
14 ‘ This modern-day alternative to the stocks could help to curb the atrocious rise in vicious crime that is becoming part of our daily lives . ’
15 The basis of his educational philosophy lay in the belief that ‘ practical instruction ’ should be central to any curriculum for only then could ‘ mental and moral training ’ occur which , together with a sense of esprit de corps created within each school , would help to cultivate the spirit of ‘ civic responsibility ’ .
16 This negative and careless attitude on the part of the teacher can only help to stimulate a negative response among his students .
17 This will help to stimulate the audience 's interest in what you are going to say .
18 In contrast , the electrolyte cations are at relatively high concentrations in gastric juice and these may help to stimulate the absorption of trace metals in the intestine from the diet .
19 When it comes to financial planning , women often have different requirements to men , so it can help to see an independent financial adviser who specialises in this area .
20 On the one hand , their arrival may add to the demand for retailing and educational facilities , which may help to sustain the village shop or school ; on the other , their children may attend other more distant schools and the newcomers may shop in the adjacent towns so that , if they have ‘ replaced ’ locals , there may be a downturn in demand , which could even precipitate the closure of these facilities .
21 But it pointed out that the delays would have only a marginal impact on the total UK production profile and would help to sustain the mid-1990s production plateau beyond the turn of the century .
22 The ongoing vigorous policy of offering paddock admission ( £7 per head ) at £10 per couple and Club enclosure facilities ( £12 individually , but £20 for couples ) , plus various theme days and a draw for a gallon of whisky at each fixture , will help to continue the success story .
23 The maintenance ( or planting ) of a partial tree cover will help to conserve the soil resource by maintaining the organic components via litter supply ; soil cohesiveness will thus be improved which , together with the wind- and water-break effect of trees , will reduce soil erosion .
24 Use of the Collagen Programme will help to combat the effects of skin hydration and the resultant wrinkles and sagging .
25 There 's a rosier future in store for migraine sufferers whose attacks are triggered by fluorescent lights , because rose-tinted glasses may help to combat the problem .
26 This degree of knowledge will not guarantee immunity from mistakes or deceit at the hands of unscrupulous dealers , but it will help to combat the more obvious attempts at misinformation — far more likely than outright deception — and assist in assessing the integrity of any dealer or expert whom one may need to rely on for advice .
27 If there were more such places it would help to combat the cycle of deprivation that young mothers can get trapped in .
28 If your source-machine has an edit switch , use of this will help to optimise the video signal for transfer and reduce the copying losses .
29 Our findings indicate that the combined histological haemodynamic evaluation provided by this procedure may help to optimise the medical management of these critically ill patients .
30 ‘ This will help to redress the balance and bring them back to a positive situation .
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