Example sentences of "help [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 Sometimes very small things can help to preserve an elderly person 's feeling of value and self-esteem , like encouraging her to make some special dish or cake ( for which she has long been praised in the family circle ) once a week , or on birthdays .
2 Any progress towards the demolition of these foundations will help to promote a less ageist society and , therefore , one in which social justice for all older people can at last be achieved .
3 Whether or not a notional syllabus will help to promote a communicative competence will depend on just how it is used , how grammatical and situational factors are taken into account in the manner of its implementation .
4 Here are two rules which may help to plan a forced win .
5 The following extract from my field notes — warts and all — recording a day 's work described by the field officer concerned as ‘ typical ’ of his district may help convey a picture of a pollution control officer 's job in an urban industrialized area ( rural officers are usually under less pressure of work ) .
6 What sort of actions do you think would help make a relationship work ?
7 This negative and careless attitude on the part of the teacher can only help to stimulate a negative response among his students .
8 When it comes to financial planning , women often have different requirements to men , so it can help to see an independent financial adviser who specialises in this area .
9 Kate tried to ignore his admiring glance , but she could n't help blushing a little , which showed how much off balance she was because normally she was so used to this sort of conversation that she could , as it were , verbally handle it with one hand tied behind her back .
10 By maintaining these standards in a professional career , these students will help build a sound base for the future of the country 's catering industry .
11 Tolkien could not help seeing a part of himself in Fëanor and Saruman , sharing their perhaps licit , perhaps illicit desire to ‘ sub-create ’ .
12 Topaz had shuddered at the horror of it , but could n't help weaving a future in which Andrew sought her out , courted her , and finally offered for her hand .
13 Garlic will help protect you and peppermint tea will help soothe a churning stomach .
14 May help to increase an inadequate milk supply .
15 On the communications front , Clinton 's programme would help fund a national information network linking homes , businesses , classrooms and libraries .
16 The money will help fund a resources library and make learning units available to small , remote groups either on loan or as permanent gifts .
17 Not all old photographs are dated , but internal evidence may help to establish an approximate date .
18 Bear in mind that the Department of the Environment has guidelines encouraging local planners to be flexible about change of use where this may help to provide a new lease of life for a problem listed building .
19 The design of a machine or device which is assigned as an aid for one person will not usually encounter the problems associated with elaborate design teams just described , but nevertheless some human factors sensitivity will help to provide a better product .
20 It can help to provide a picture of the typical development of language skills during childhood and adolescence , so that teachers can recognise more reliably disturbances that occur .
21 There is a great deal of variety in the work of the ES and this booklet should help you see the bigger picture — of how you can help to provide a vital service to the public .
22 What the statement laid down — ; following the NCTA tradition — was that all courses had to include ‘ studies which by complementing or contrasting with the main subjects studied will help to provide a balanced education ’ .
23 In a similar manner , it can often help to provide an overview of situations that are being affected by changes , particularly where these changes will cause a significant disturbance to the stability of the existing system .
24 Other measures can help stiffen a building but are less than ideal .
25 Its aim was to provide a convivial meeting place where the enlightened could help formulate a programme to teach the uninitiated the nature of the enemy which was undermining the country .
26 Her family says they can only hope that Katharine 's tragedy will help bring a change in the law , so at least other victims will benefit from her experience .
27 Considering what else might be on offer is not only in your interests but may also help bring an overall agreement nearer if your employer is willing to provide non-cash benefits in return , perhaps for a slight reduction in the lump sum that you are looking for .
28 The rioting underlined continuing political and security problems facing the allies , who arrived ten weeks ago to end devastating clan warfare so that relief agencies could help ease a famine that threatened millions of lives .
29 The rioting underlined continuing political and security problems facing the allies , who arrived ten weeks ago to end devastating clan warfare so that relief agencies could help ease a famine that threatened millions of lives .
30 As a self-regulating body , the organisation , and by extension its directory , should help chart a course for collectors through what has been , until now , a part of the trade in which word of mouth alone was often the only means of access .
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