Example sentences of "to know that the " in BNC.

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1 In constructivism we view the organism-environment dyad from the outside and ask how it might be possible that an organism which has input systems and which is active could ever come to know that the environment exists .
2 Readers may be interested to know that the money given will go towards nutritional programmes in one of the poorest areas of Cairo .
3 ‘ It 's good for the confidence to know that the captain wanted me , ’ Larkins said .
4 It was poor propaganda for the outside world to know that the granary of Europe was suffering from famine conditions .
5 You may be interested to know that the name of every legator in recorded in a Book of Commemoration kept at our Headquarters .
6 Yet it was not beyond the power of reason and foresight to know that the days of the Indian Empire were numbered , if not in years , still in decades : the best and the wisest of the British in India had known and said it from the beginning .
7 Again , you do n't need a twin test to know that the gap in ability , build and luxury feel between the Orion and the Rover 416 is a substantial one .
8 After hearing about the latest methods of transporting troops about the battlefield , it is reassuring to know that the leg , foot and boot still work !
9 You may like to know that the cost of these sachets have been met by a generous donor .
10 YOU MIGHT also like to know that the University of Minnesota has banned the use of mistletoe this year .
11 About 1300 journalists registered at this years ' show , and you have only to read the number of column entries and to hear the radio and to see the television to know that the content of this year 's Royal Show stands second to none in the technical content of agricultural exhibitions across the world .
12 I had read enough to know that the figures for anorexics who starve to death or commit suicide are frighteningly high .
13 It was a relief to know that the house had not been depleted and that it remained uncontaminated .
14 He was pleased to know that the New England Crataegus from West Jersey grew well at Chelsea ; with him the fine juicy fruit had been stripped by birds one September day .
15 Now and then , waiters would serve us refreshing drinks from the bar and while we were busy unwinding , we were happy to know that the children were being well looked after in the Children 's Club .
16 On the 18th Braid hit his 2nd shot into the road and he ‘ might have damaged the steam roller ’ so it is some comfort for us to know that the course 's own architect was penalised by his own design .
17 It is gratifying to know that the industry that once gave employment to many hundreds of the local population , is still able to flourish in small pockets .
18 It is gratifying to know that the old mill has survived and prospered in its retirement , unlike the next mill and bakehouse downstream , at Cowley .
19 Eugénie was able to bring this message back to the Tuileries where it must have pleased the Emperor to know that the Queen was sympathetic to France 's difficulties .
20 The rental company would install the aerial and receiver , with the customer never needing to know that the signal was in MAC instead of PAL and coming from 31° West instead of 19° East .
21 Incidentally readers of a more literary bent will be interested to know that the poet W B Yeats lived next door to Crapper for a spell but fails to record the fact in his memoirs .
22 ‘ I remember once , though , when Sounds were searching for an interview and I happened to know that the whole thing was a set-up .
23 It is some comfort to know that the insurance companies do not have any great concern on this score .
24 I had read enough to know that the way the Bristol Cancer Help Centre promulgated was a considerable challenge , although how hard a challenge I was only to appreciate later .
25 It is to be fully human and yet to know that the Garden of Eden man is the creature of clay feet .
26 To be sure that a patient is truly regaining their health , it is of no value just to know that the symptoms of his complaint have been relieved , rather the focus of his disease has to be seen to be shifting into less important areas , that is , moving down the hierarchy .
27 We were glad to know that the little boy was allowed to ride home with the others .
28 How , for example , is one to know that the students have an understanding of therapeutic diets ?
29 Green would be unlikely to know that the topography was considerably manipulated , but the use of boulders and rocks to build a foreground and the use of a mountain tarn as a middleground became frequent features of his work .
30 It 's good to know that the easiest snack in the world — baked beans on ( wholemeal ) toast is also doing you good and not costing much in money or preparation time .
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