Example sentences of "to know [conj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 For the Galileo story it is important to know that over the centuries Aristotle 's philosophy had become a part of Catholic orthodoxy .
2 The hon. Gentleman will want to know that during the past two years personal social services standard spending will have increased by nearly 33 per cent .
3 Erm that might , might interest you to know that during the past ten years I have personally entertained something like a hundred visitors from the States who are with their families er , of course , er returned here for a look , look round .
4 ‘ It can be difficult handling the residents at times , but it is nice to know that without CATH , they would otherwise be sleeping in the car parks or shop doorways ’ .
5 It 's good to know that amid all the Neil Lyndon/David Thomas backlash books , unreconstructed radical feminist publishing is still going strong .
6 As the right hon. Gentleman is now keen to look at a longer period than just the last year , he will also be interested to know that between 1981 and 1991 the British economy grew faster than the German economy , the French economy , the Italian economy or the economy of any other country in Europe .
7 The House may wish to know that between 1979 and 1990 the perinatal mortality rate for England and Wales dropped by 45 per cent .
8 Having taken your bags of donated books from you at the church door last year , you may like to know that despite the awful rain this week , Christian Aid Sale funds stood at around £35K by noon today , so the total should be up on that figure .
9 The queen mother 's religious views and those of the French advisers she gathered around her did little to allay the reformers ' fears ; nor would they have been happy to know that on Mary 's marriage in 1558 to the Dauphin , who the following year became King Francis II , she secretly signed an agreement that if she should die childless her kingdom of Scotland and her claim to the throne of England should become her husband 's .
10 and then when it 's got that and it 's got end on the bottom here , at the end of the stopping zone , you 've got to know that on a motorway
11 you have to know that on the motorway an all
12 These clips are a triumph of form over content , and by the time you reach the four live songs that close this boxful of banging and shouting , it 's a relief to know that at least this is roughly what they 're really like when they 're not busy being hyperactive .
13 I get the feeling that I begin to know my way round , to know that at least most of the chess moves of it .
14 How are Americans to know that to the Vulgar British ‘ Bristols ’ are breasts ( boobs/knockers/charlies/tits ) and ‘ cobblers ’ are testicles ( balls/bollocks/knackers/goolies ) ?
15 He was shrewd enough to know that to be too greedy with Jared Tunstall might lose him everything .
16 Now this may not be the most compelling subject but it is important for you to know that throughout our term in office , we 've not left you on your own as you carry out the task of raising funds for your programme .
17 It would be a great relief to know that after a three week hospital stay , you 'd have £420 on top of your daily benefit of £840 , payable on your discharge .
18 However , it is important to know that after infection by HIV , it can take up to three months — or sometimes even longer — for antibodies to appear .
19 For the purposes of the present work , it is sufficient to know that by the end of the seventh century a town inhabited mainly by people of Latin culture existed on the site , and that the surrounding countryside was peopled by Slavs .
20 It was strange now , walking through the same streets , to know that by then it had already happened .
21 But it still makes me angry to know that in other countries so many children die , so many families are bereaved , simply because they lack basic health care .
22 However , you need also to know that in a very few cases , you can get a negative result even though you are infected .
23 I wanted him to know that in plenty of time so that he could get used to the pressure .
24 the wheel of the car , I mean I wonder , I wonder what you think of that , let me ask you this question , do erm , do men 's personalities change behind the wheel do you think ? , button one for yes , button two for no and vote now , and you 'll be interested to know that in this hundred eighty five of you think that personalities change , do they get better ?
25 ‘ Would it surprise you to know that in the five years since I first set eyes on you , I have not looked seriously at another woman ?
26 The first two types of educational computing in the list above are at the moment basically the province of such departments — but it is good to know that in many schools and colleges there are strong links with mathematics .
27 You may be interested to know that in January 1993 , the total number of visitors to Winfrith Technology Centre was 1821 .
28 It might also have disturbed them to know that in such circumstances what is still a fairly new and effective lifeline for them would have been ruled out — insurance .
29 When you get down to more detailed planning it is useful to know that in a standard European kitchen , base units are 600 mm ( 24 in ) deep ; wall units 300 mm ( 12 in ) deep ; most appliances are 600 mm ( 24 in ) wide ; Units come in widths of 300 , 500 , 600 , 1000 or 1200 mm ( 12 , 20 , 24 , 39 , or 48 in ) , counter tops are 900 mm ( 36in ) high , the bases of wall-hung cabinets 405 mm ( 16 in ) above that .
30 Indeed , we always try to give the benefit of the doubt , and the hon. Gentleman may be interested to know that in the last three years we have received 577 claims and have settled 372 of them .
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