Example sentences of "stood [verb] with " in BNC.

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1 Luke moved back to his desk , picked up a paperweight and stood toying with it , turning it over and over between strong , square-tipped fingers .
2 The last thing Endill felt like was moving and he stood frozen with fear .
3 The Doctor stood frozen with his legs waving wildly and a baffled expression on his face .
4 In the middle of the yard the little pony Alejandro regarded as useless stood quivering with terror .
5 Peggy Vanderheld stood quivering with fury , silhouetted against the picture window in Hauser 's Helsinki office .
6 Miss Jackson , who stood grinning with Mr Kinnock as their vessel churned down the river , is the Labour candidate for Hampstead and Highgate , one of the Tory marginals .
7 He turned ; he spurred him westward ; he did not know who stood Bowed with her head o " er the musket , drenched with her own red blood !
8 At the door Nurse Lambert stood waiting with a wheelchair — crisp , starched , bright as the April sunlight .
9 I have a picture in my mind still of endless queues of captives waiting under guard to mount the steps of the Aztec temples where the priests of Huitzilopochtli stood waiting with obsidian stone knives , hands and faces black with caked blood , their robes stiff with it , as they worked industriously to open up each human chest , extract the still-palpitating heart , offering it to their filthy god , then tossing the torn-open body back down the steps to the waiting warriors below , who hacked it into joints for the ritual cannibalism that ensured both the pleasures of the flesh and added prowess from the absorption of the captive joint into their own live bodies .
10 Lio ! rt and Liartes were already striding back across the turf to where the servants stood waiting with their mounts .
11 Sheila stood rooted with horror for a moment .
12 They dragged the mattress through , and stood panting with exertion on either side of it .
13 He came to a halt and stood staring with nostalgia at the windows of the hospital .
14 After a moment , the door swung open and a woman stood staring with big eyes in a pale face , her apron unable to conceal the fact that she was heavily pregnant .
15 I turned over the ashes , found the glow within the crust , added some kindling and a log , then stood to stretch with my hands in the small of my back because it was aching .
16 Ruth stood shaking with despair and indecision ; I ca n't cope , she thought , I 've gone to pieces like I always do …
17 He swung the metal bucket he was carrying in an arc and crashed it against a wall and he stood shaking with horror at himself .
18 He cast an agonised glance at the open door across the landing where four small figures stood watching with large dusky eyes .
19 Not long ago at the theatre in New York he stood beaming with understandably possessive pride between Jacqueline Onassis and Edna O'Brien .
20 One little boy stood poised with a transparent plastic hose over a bucket , whose sides supported a rod that formed the axle of a paddle wheel .
21 For a few seconds , as the body crumpled into the dirt , Richmann stood quaking with fury , veins throbbing with hatred .
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