Example sentences of "along with the " in BNC.

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1 Along with the thousands of appeal letters sent as a result of Amnesty 's campaign , perhaps the clearest direct pressure is being exerted by the Sri Lanka Aid Consortium , made up of donor governments and multi-lateral institutions .
2 Such developments , along with the continuing work of the International Committee of the Red Cross within the country , are welcome in themselves and also give some evidence that the Sri Lankan Government is responsive to criticism from outside the country .
3 Lyricism , then , is the poetry which sings along with the triumph of the proletariat , and with the repressions which accompany its triumph .
4 Part of the overall argument of this book is that , as the Roman catholic church is principal validator or legitimator of the Southern state along with the concept of the national entity , what that state goes on to do in the field of social ethics can not be separated out from the responsibilities of the church .
5 The famous paragraph of Article 42 intending to give pride of place to the Roman catholic church in the state was removed by referendum in 1972 , along with the accompanying paragraph recognizing other existing religious groups .
6 The presbyterian and methodist churches in Ireland , along with the Church of Ireland , welcomed the proposal .
7 In pastoral sermons , the archbishop continued to oppose civil divorce , claiming that the weak would suffer as a consequence , along with the well-being of society .
8 Sergeant Bramble was so engrossed in mouthing along with the Daily Express that he did not notice the opening of the door .
9 Oh , I did my homework , while you were screaming along with the boys !
10 There can be no doubt that something of this sort took place at this time in Montreal , and that it forms one of the subconscious inputs in the growing boy 's development , along with the high family traditions and the significance of his names .
11 It is worth looking at , for from it sprang his fund of knowledge along with the all-important Jewish scriptures and his family 's experiences with them in eastern Europe .
12 The ballad-type songs of the day sung by such as Tony Bennett , Rosemary Clooney , Doris Day , Debbie Reynolds and Frank Sinatra , plus the great classical music she had heard from her youth , facilitated Masha Cohen 's overcoming of her personal nightmares , and had become — along with the very important Yiddish music — the natural background to Leonard 's life , too .
13 It was this work , along with the subsequent brilliance of his public performances , that created his reputation as ‘ Canada 's leading young poet ’ : ‘ His virtues are his own , and they are considerable … at his best he expresses himself , sometimes whimsically , sometimes passionately , in speech which is beyond the capacity of mere formula to produce , ’ commented Allan Donaldson at the time .
14 I carried my bewilderment into the coffee shop and tried to drown it along with the froth of my cappuccino .
15 Perhaps romance had snuck back into vogue , she thought , along with the new sexual caution .
16 Then , after dealing with the Grand Slam Cup and explaining how he only went along with the idea after insisting that the event would also produce $2m for the development of the game in ‘ third world tennis countries , he went on :
17 Yet this writer 's abiding impression of the eighties is that management along with the government did not know when to stop .
18 The summit itself is crowned by a trig pillar , a huge cairn , and a walled shelter along with the remains of a celebratory tower built in 1838 to commemorate Victoria 's Coronation , but wrecked by revelling locals after the opening — there were problems with vandals even in those days !
19 I have argued elsewhere that Pound was prepared to take instruction , as well as to give it ; that when he first came to London in 1908 , he was looking for masters to whom he might apprentice himself ; that he found them in the Irishman W.B. Yeats and the maverick Englishman Ford Madox Ford ( whose professionalism about writing still denies him in England the recognition that he gets abroad ) ; and ( so I have speculated , though I know it can not be proved ) that Pound sought the same relationship with another Englishman , Laurence Binyon , who was too cagey to go along with the idea .
20 We would eventually like to do it along with the management , within the philosophy we will impose . ’
21 We are for bringing outside analysis to departments along with the office of the Minister for the Civil Service and the Treasury .
22 Hong Kong Special Report : The snakes are in good form , despite the wind : The feet are made for wokking , Robert Cottrell concludes as he adds the extremities of chickens to his range of culinary delights , along with the mysteries of tea , rice and appropriate poetry
23 Three of the four 1989 major title winners — Open champion Mark Calcavecchia , US Open champion Curtis Strange , and USPGA title-holder Payne Stewart — are missing from the 12-man line-up , along with the world No. 1 , Greg Norman .
24 At Duxford airfield , the operations table from which aspects of the Battle of Britain were controlled can be seen along with the original control tower , hangar and runway .
25 It concerns yet another pair of mismatched cops , with the disposable novelty of one of them being a dog , which tends to restrict verbal sparring , along with the mangy dialogue and Belushi 's lack of manic spin .
26 Along with the merger , Postbank shareholders will be asked to approve a change to the bank 's articles of association so that it can engage in wider areas of business .
27 To that extent , he is going along with the orthodoxy , and not disturbing the papal infallibility of his predecessors and the process they have established .
28 Along with the island 's hydro-electric scheme — bringing power to some houses for the first time — and the harbour improvements , the incident will probably go down in Shetland annals as another stage in Foula 's modernisation .
29 MICKY STEWART , the England manager , gave his son , Alec , a gruelling introduction to cricket on the Indian sub-continent when he put the Surrey wicketkeeper-batsmen — along with the rest of the 14-man England squad - through a three-and-a-half hour training session in temperatures of up to 100F at the National Stadium in Delhi yesterday .
30 Parking for 3,500 cars , either underground or else in a well disguised Post-Modern palazzo , will encourage shoppers to steer away from rival retail developments in surrounding Solihull , Leamington Spa and Kidderminster , along with the out-of-town Sandwell Mall and Merry Hill Centre .
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