Example sentences of "nor be i " in BNC.

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1 Nor am I under the illusion that I alone am free of illusion .
2 I have not a strong mind , or will , nor am I unselfish , and so knowing well my faults I ask you to help me .
3 I can not remember that particular meeting — nor am I very proud of it — but the point illustrates the sometimes passionate disputes which can erupt during the annual public-spending negotiations .
4 Nor am I convinced by Marnham 's defence of Simenon against the charge of anti-Semitism — that he was simply ‘ politically inexperienced and intellectually naive ’ .
5 I do not mean to distinguish here between ‘ work ’ and ‘ leisure ’ ; nor am I arguing , on the basis of such a distinction , that ‘ education for leisure ’ is just as important as ‘ education for work ’ , a thesis often defended by those anxious to justify education in sports or indeed in the arts .
6 Please , do n't get me wrong , I am not condoning Welsh ( or any other team 's ) dirty play , nor am I saying that England are notoriously bad for it .
7 I am not a small man , nor am I a weakling , yet the thin Sweetman seemed unconcerned as I jumped down into the cockpit .
8 Nor am I suggesting that one thoughtless remark can prompt a neurosis .
9 WHETHER HEROIN is at the root of this unreliability I do n't know for sure , nor am I about to proscribe the freedom — or is that stupidity — of anyone to take whatever substance they choose to take , be it alcohol , tobacco , heroin or carpet cleaner .
10 Nor am I assuming that the top level of language , in the sense of programming language , coincides always with the ‘ top level of control ’ , though it will in general do so .
11 Nor am I an angel , exactly , you will find that out for yourself , that is if you give me a chance .
12 Nor am I digressing because observation is a necessary part of communication , although again it obviously is : since communications obviously ca n't work if they 're not observed .
13 Nor am I troubled by the suggestion put forward by both Mr. Beloff and Mr. Philipson that a conclusion in favour of the Bank of England on this point will introduce an element of doubt into an area where certainty is important , since authorised institutions will be familiar with the Act , and will have no difficulty in recognising a section 39 notice as an exception .
14 Nor am I impressed by the floodgates argument — it is said that the Divisional Court would be overwhelmed by applications to review visitors ' decisions .
15 Nor am I suggesting that these strategies are in fact used by professional translators in any significant way ; one has to acknowledge that , in spite of being available in theory , they are in fact rarely used in practice .
16 I think that 's all I need say by this time the next our next speaker is usually arriving so to sort of develop and not that there 's a real need for it nor am I capable of doing so .
17 ‘ No , nor am I really , ’ said Constance .
18 Why this is hell nor am I out of it .
19 ‘ I 'm not sentimental , and nor am I flattered by having my photo in a newspaper , but my mother likes that sort of thing , so I 'm sending one to her in England , ’ she snapped , and hesitated perceptibly before continuing .
20 ‘ I am not about to sit down to a meal with you , ’ she said bitingly , ‘ Nor am I — ’
21 I 'm not saying you will always be successful or that it will never cost you a penny , nor am I advising those almost too timid to open a can of beans to tinker with a complex and potentially dangerous machine if they feel it 's beyond them ; we all have our limitations .
22 Nor am I charged with any crime under French civil law . ’
23 Nor am I suggesting that black children are somehow linguistically deficient or unable to separate English from Creole .
24 Nor am I going to be the world 's greatest skier .
25 Nor am I intending to rob you . ’
26 Nor am I blaming you .
27 Nor am I interested in using the House as a handle for consultancies and all that , the provider of access to God-knows-what and free meals .
28 Nor am I .
29 Nor am I , it 's
30 No nor am I ,
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