Example sentences of "significant is that " in BNC.

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1 What is significant is that the signals had consistent characteristics , and we observed no other kinds of strong echoes in midwater .
2 What is significant is that it was universally believed , because , like a fairy tale , it embodies a profound truth .
3 What is even more significant is that 24 different players have shared the scoring honours , emphasising the team 's strength .
4 What is also significant is that prescriptions for these opioids were often for large amounts — 50 or 100 at a time .
5 What is perhaps more significant is that a new minister will also find that his department is developing new policies .
6 What seems to me more significant is that it both foreshadowed and paralleled the Hercynian , Tethyan and Mediterranean lines that were to come .
7 What is significant is that the tribunal did not appear to think that the reason for the dismissal related to ‘ the conduct of the employee ’ .
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