Example sentences of "to look down on " in BNC.

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1 Now , in the dream influence of the moon , Fenna told Maggie to look down on all the kingdoms of the world , and across China she saw the snaking of the Great Wall .
2 If Joe had not caught her , she would be there now , walking up the dale to look down on the sleeping cottage .
3 But once we do so , once we see that by calling God ‘ transcendent ’ we are not banishing Him to some distant celestial isle from which to look down on us , then it becomes easier and not harder to understand His presence .
4 She got back on Midnight , in order to look down on Sebastian and Antony , and squared her shoulders .
5 Of course somebody , Who Shall Be Nameless , would bring up the subject of Burns-And-You-Know-What , and how many of his children were born on The Wrong Side Of The Blanket , What Right Had We to look down on Brown Owl for her shotgun wedding when we were all supposed to look up to Rabbie Burns as Our Big Hero ?
6 Just off the main road on the right is a good viewpoint to look down on both the north and south sides of the island .
7 At first they climbed to the heights to look down on Nature or to survey the scene — encouraging the building of ‘ stations ’ such as the Windermere Octagon ; but after Thomas Gray 's Journal of a Tour in the Lakes ( written in 1769 ) artists began to take their views from the valleys .
8 The lover of power is attracted to the viewpoint of the strongest , the one who can , even if he graciously refrains , force others to act against their wills ; he may himself achieve power , or fantasize it , or in consciousness of impotence prefer to look down on himself through the eyes of real or imaginary conquerors .
9 On the other hand , a shot taken from a high angle to look down on the subject diminishes it and suggests a feeling of superiority .
10 She always seemed to look down on children .
11 They eventually approached Berwick from the north-west , rounding the skirts of Halidon Hill , and from there able to look down on the grey town at the wide mouth of Tweed , two miles off .
12 And many resent the way financial ‘ experts ’ seem to look down on them .
13 You affected to look down on it .
14 On Crag Hill I stopped at the cairn to look down on Dentdale spread below me , Helms Knott , the Howgills and the distant forms of Cross Fell , Dun Fell and , facing me , the long ridge of Barbondale .
15 To him , even then , it had been history , and it somehow deserved ill-fortune ; in the heedless fashion of the American suburbs it seemed right to look down on the refugees from an old , superstition-riven world .
16 On the day John-Augustus went char fishing on Buttermere with Mr Robinson and Mary went above the woods to look down on them , Coleridge passed between them .
17 He collected his boarding card and found a seat in the cafeteria that allowed him to look down on the concourse .
18 Spitting out a gobbet of blood , he dragged himself over to the window , to look down on the devastation below .
19 ‘ Even scum have to have someone to look down on . ’
20 Students have to show that they understand what has been learned so deeply that they are able to look down on it and assess it critically for themselves .
21 The maternal words ‘ If you do n't study hard , you 'll end up on the check-out counter at Tesco 's ’ had had , if not the intended effect , the result of causing Camille and her friends to look down on shop assistants , bank clerks and bus drivers : for more recondite reasons of their own they also held in contempt estate and travel agents and people who worked in advertising .
22 ‘ Oh , yes , very , ’ she answered , eager to inform on a harmless , non-specific matter , to say the Danuese were really good people , and to look down on them jointly , since she already knew Herr Speich was an atheist .
23 Ken meanwhile was beginning to look down on a great deal of what he had been asked to do professionally .
24 Now Michael Portillo is one of the Tory high flyers , for anyone that do n't know who he is , he 's a Tory high flyer who finds it very difficult to look down , very difficult to look down on those but he should look down before he makes a such statements .
25 He raised himself up from her to look down on her face , to witness the sweet pleasure that parted her lips sensuously and filmed moisture to her brow .
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