Example sentences of "reasons which i " in BNC.

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1 As we know , this agreeable stasis did not continue ; the synthesis started to come apart for reasons which I have tried to explain .
2 As my own thank-offering I would like to try briefly to express some thoughts on education by which I have long been troubled and to which no place , for reasons which I will show , could be more appropriate than this .
3 There are , in fact several others but , for various reasons which I shall attempt to explain , I do not feel that they are always quite as effective — or indeed as safe — as the use of the hypnotic state .
4 But this would be to simplify things for , as I have argued , black kids generally come from the kind of family backgrounds which are not suited for their own educational needs — for reasons which I spelled out in the last chapter , but will summarize as ‘ neglect ’ or ‘ unattainable goals ’ .
5 For reasons which I do not claim to understand , Australia has seen a number of cases of scandalising the court in recent years .
6 He also considered an argument based on freedom of speech , but rejected it for reasons which I consider in the next section of this judgment .
7 For the reasons which I have set out I consider that Morland J. was wrong , both not to apply article 10 and to hold that the Derbyshire County Council could sue for libel .
8 Further , for the reasons which I have given , the action which the applicant has begun in the Bow County Court appears to me to be , in Lord Lowry 's words , ‘ ill suited to dispose of the question at issue . ’
9 For the reasons which I have given the order made by Millett J. must be restored .
10 It appears to me , for reasons which I shall give later , to be intended to have its ordinary meaning .
11 In my judgment and for the reasons which I have given , the challenge based upon the implication of a requirement of natural justice must fail .
12 For the reasons which I have given , I would dismiss this application for judicial review .
13 But , for reasons which I will later mention , it seemed to us that there would be no serious answer to the defendant 's rectification claim and Mr. Rayner James for the building society did not contend otherwise .
14 The rule is firmly established that we may not look at Hansard and in general I agree with it , for reasons which I gave last year in Beswick v. Beswick .
15 To the extent that such rights and privileges are to be found in the Bill of Rights , in my judgment they will not be infringed for the reasons which I have given .
16 My Lords , for the reasons which I have given I would answer branch ( a ) of the certified question in the affirmative and branch ( b ) in the negative , and allow the appeal .
17 For the reasons which I have given above I do not think the court in Reg. v. Philippou were justified in reconciling Morris with Lawrence , but they were correct in following Attorney-General 's Reference ( No. 2 of 1982 ) and could have reached their conclusion without relying on Lawrence .
18 " For reasons which I wo n't go into now , I think we may be specially interested in all matters relating to the Ingard group 's involvement with Winter Marsh — the ex-Ministry of Defence land which you mentioned , Sir Geoffrey , the other day .
19 As I had come to know a number of rectors and vicars in the course of my journeys , for reasons which I have mentioned , Eliot questioned me about what he felt might he a mounting danger , namely that the Church might seek to increase by chauvinism what it appeared to be losing in spirituality : and indeed the vicar of my own village had been upbraided by a group of parishioners for not preaching sermons directly furthering the war effort , which Eliot said was tantamount to making him into an unpaid official of the MOI .
20 For reasons which I could never grasp , some restaurants seemed in a position to provide much greater variety than others , and my wife and I found one such place in the Hanover Square area , where I worked .
21 At the time she did not publicly disclose why , saying only , ‘ I am leaving for reasons which I can not say .
22 I think Freud would say though however that these are more like the th the was talking about religion , now clearly if something is a outlawing it is n't gon na make much difference to it , or if anything it 's , it 's just gon na make it er , er make it more difficult , but there are certain types of religion and Judaism is one of them where th this very pattern you 're talking about did occur and here Freud is er probably standing on , on firm ground , for reasons which I 'll explain in my lectures I do n't wan na take up too much time , but I have done a bit of research on this myself and as you will see , erm there 's , there are good reasons for thinking that Freud was certainly right about some of those and we certainly know that a monotheistic and , and an absolutely rigidly monotheistic religion appeared in Ancient Egypt as erm Andrea said , just before erm the er reign of this heretic er heretic , heretic pharaoh one of whose er near descendants , I forget how he was related now , erm was originally called Tutamkhatan and then was forced to change his name to Tutankhamen and he was dug up by Howard Carter in nineteen twenty two or something er and er the Tutankhamen is called Tutankhamen and not Tutamkhatan is that there was a religious .
23 Now , erm , what 's wrong with this if you think about it , is that er it 's hard to know what fitness and fittest means and although I 'm now gon na spend about ten minutes talking about it , this will be the last time you 'll hear me mention the word fitness , and I strongly advise you to do the same , for reasons which I will now n now explain .
24 I would endorse what Ken has said , I certainly am of the view there are overriding reasons which I 'll come to in a moment for putting forward a general location , I had seen that as a central location which may or may not span more than one district .
25 Wah , urgh , I tried to argue the point at appeal , erm , if you look up the listing for these properties , er , in the area which back onto the mill stream , it 's all the grounds are listed because it says quite clearly , that in the opinion of , they form a group , and it was one of the reasons which I 'm glad you , well as you can see , this piece of ground is part of a listing , and although this existing permission , we 're looking at it as a clean site , tonight , we 're not looking at what has been passed .
26 I find that the qualifications she would have got was either the degree she hoped for or a Higher National Diploma for reasons which I shall now set out .
27 I have left the paper for reasons which I think have been fairly clear .
28 Erm , I do not personally like that because I like the discipline of writing things out again for reasons which I will explain in boring detail in a while .
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