Example sentences of "talking [prep] an " in BNC.

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1 It is talking about an omnipresence of God .
2 We are not just talking about an environmental nuisance here — we 're talking about a real threat to life .
3 Informal care is unpaid care ; the term , widely used , can seem somewhat derogatory , and caution should be exercised in talking about an informal carer .
4 Third , we are , in part at least , talking about an activity which appears to be defined as problematic by users themselves .
5 On the contrary ; Americans , Japanese and European commentators were talking about an extraordinary economic renaissance in the UK .
6 So , establishment for staphylococcusorius is often not an important feature because in the majority of infections we 're talking about an endogenous infection , the organism was there in the first place .
7 It is perhaps fortunate from our point of view that we can pin ourselves , in so far as we are talking about an inset , to the actual deposit copy of Ryedale District Council , when they did get the matter right , but no body apart from them , sir , did so .
8 She is talking about an enemy which you can not see or hear or smell . ’
9 Instead of talking about an average twelve percent or thirty percent , you see ?
10 It 's actually called a perfect octave but they never worry about the perfect when you 're talking about an octave .
11 He 's talking about an exhibition in New York . ’
12 Forever talking about an important matter which he would discuss on his next leave .
13 According to the Brazilian government 's own figures , two-thirds of the population now suffers from some degree of malnutrition and in the north-east nutritionists are talking about an epidemic of dwarfism .
14 We are talking about an organisation which has a turnover of £4 billion .
15 The fact that the Minister started his speech by talking about an annus mirabilis will have been met with incredulity outside the House .
16 Three days later Kohl conceded that " we can not avoid talking about an increase in duties " ( rather than taxes ) and mentioned possible duties on carbon dioxide emissions or motorway tolls .
17 We 're talking about an amalgamation .
18 ‘ My friend Isaac Newton managed to explain the concept of gravity by talking about an apple .
19 We 're not talking about reviewing the structure plan , we 're talking about an alteration to it .
20 where you 're talking about an alarm .
21 Er , for example , we 're talking about a heart attack damage to heart muscle , we 're talking about strokes where there 's a loss fl , bl , sorry , the flow of blood to the brain , erm , we 're talking about cancer , we 're talking about an abnormal growth of cells , but not all cancers are covered , a skin cancer which is n't life threatening , is n't covered , erm , as a result of perhaps too much sunbathing etcetera , whereas a melanoma , a cancer that comes into er , a great lump on the skin which can be life-threatening , obviously is .
22 So you get the impression here of Lincoln talking about an unusual crisis situation in a letter to one of his mates in eighteen sixty four Lincoln goes on Lincoln goes on to , in his letter to a friend to deny that civil war was fought to , to free the slaves er as a moral crusade , he wants no part of that argument .
23 Yes , I 'd just like to emphasize the point of the last er refusal , which , I 've got a copy here , would be over bearing , out of scale with the adjacent residential property , detrimental to the amenity of adjacent occupiers , and I see no , I know we 're not talking about an appeal at this stage , we 're talking about another application , I personally see no change whatsoever to the circumstances in which the last application was refused , these properties , totally out of proportion , and totally overpowering and overbearing for that entrance to the village
24 To an annoyed Pétain he began talking about an early major counter-offensive at Verdun .
25 You 're talking about an English lady now are you ?
26 Well if you are to have an atmosphere that 's free of sexual harassment , then you 're talking about an attitudinal change that will reach into many other areas as well , are n't you ?
27 It 's er in the report that we produced , most of the families are in fact single parent families , most of them are on Social Security benefits and have been on for considerable periods of time , but there are a number of people who are in employment or who have had periods of employment , but they are in low paid jobs , so when you 're talking about an income of one hundred pounds a week , with the sort of housing costs there are and other costs , then there simply is n't enough money to go round .
28 Before fighting broke out , Congress was talking of an annual cost of some $30 billion .
29 Market-watchers are talking of an approaching crisis , as recession spreads from east to west .
30 The southern German Christian Democrats are talking of an alliance with the Greens — a marriage of convenience certainly , but a progressive , positive one , that corresponds to what Europe 's richest voters want .
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