Example sentences of "feel i [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 It 's the only time I feel I 've done it properly .
2 At last he said , with a helpless shrug , ‘ I feel I 've been let out of prison . ’
3 But on the whole , I feel I 've spent too many years trying to be other people .
4 I feel I 've lost everything ; that I may just as well go home . ’
5 But if just once I feel I 've run as hard as I possible could , in good shape , and I 've still only done 27:50 , maybe I 'll be happy to say , ‘ Oh well , Solly , you 've been kidding yourself all along ’ . ’
6 ‘ Into the eighth day and I really feel I 've had enough .
7 ‘ I often feel I 've spent the day nagging , ’ she says
8 I feel I 've won the battle but not the war .
9 ‘ I feel I 've just auditioned for the part of a human being and I did n't get the job . ’
10 Having dared , with one or two others , to open the door , I feel I 've been trampled in the rush and I 'm now standing up and waving a little flag saying , ‘ No , no , this is where we should be . '
11 ‘ But being brought up in a strictly Christian home , I 'm so disgusted with myself I feel I 've got to hide it and atone for it with ‘ good works ’ . ’
12 ‘ At only 30 , I still feel I 've got as few years left and my family and I would like to stay in England .
13 ‘ I feel I 've been taken for a fool . ’
14 Right now , I feel I 've had enough but golf is in my blood and there 's a chance I could be joining them next year . ’
15 I feel I 've been robbed , all along the line I feel I 've been robbed .
16 I feel I 've been robbed , all along the line I feel I 've been robbed .
17 For I feel I 've got no place in the world , an' no mortal worth to nobody , if not to thee .
18 MY DAUGHTER and her husband have got themselves into a ridiculous situation and , though I could happily bang their heads together , I feel I 've got to help them .
19 I feel I 've come to a full stop and so does Toby .
20 ‘ I feel I 've failed Lizzy , Pat .
21 ‘ I feel I 've had an enormous advantage over a lot of comedy writers , because they do n't seem to realize how difficult it is .
22 I do n't have H R T , I did n't have any problems luckily , with the menopause but I feel I 've I 've found a bit more of who I really am , you know !
23 ‘ I 'm so sorry , sweetheart , ’ she would whisper , ‘ I feel I 've failed you where Matthew is concerned .
24 I feel I 've got to show him how decent human beings live and behave .
25 I feel I 've lost all my bearings .
26 I feel I 've developed morally to become capable of things I could never have dreamed of before .
27 ‘ I feel I 've at last found what I really want to do in life , Jannie , ’ he said .
28 ‘ I feel I 've got to explain something to her , ’ said Scarlet .
29 I almost feel I 've been sent here so they can teach me a lesson about life .
30 ‘ Oh , it 's only that I feel I 've been wasting my life !
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