Example sentences of "feel [pron] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I have a burning fever — feel me sister , feel me .
2 Feel my violence , feel my spite , kick my own spine and spit at the others like that loony lady who walks around town looking smart and knocking people 's hats off .
3 And the Blackburn star insisted : ‘ Now I am playing under Kenny Dalglish I feel my chances of finally achieving my ambition of playing for Scotland must be enhanced .
4 I feel my heart pounding as I think of her , and I can not push from my mind a strong feeling that something has happened to her .
5 I feel my heart beat like a boy 's
6 But I feel my life started again on April 3 , 1991 , when I turned 30 and finally grew up .
7 Gathering my skirt and veils around me , I feel my way up five steps and stand ready , back to the audience , on the 2ft-square platform .
8 Feel my way around .
9 I come to the two-metre-high brick wall which surrounds the estate and feel my way along it , stumbling over piles of earth and building debris until I get to the corner .
10 feel my way along the page .
11 He is a modes man who appears genuinely bemused by the British reaction to him : ‘ I have always been impressed by British democracy and the irony is that — although I have differences with the British leaders from time to time — I sometimes feel my kind of federalism is better understood in Britain than by some of the federalists elsewhere in Europe who always cry , onwards , onwards ! ’
12 It was clearly a delicate matter , with Eliot 's wife in a mental hospital , and Day Lewis wrote to Haywood , " I hope you feel my reference to his private tragedy is passable … "
13 Feel my back breaking !
14 Feel my quilt .
15 feel my hands shaking !
16 Nowadays , I am consulted on all matters pertaining to him , and I feel my role is to make him better known .
17 I feel my face is still pinched with disgust when I look at my feet .
18 My fingers ache and I feel my face to be beetroot-red .
19 This is a day that 's growing bleaker , and I feel my face has aged ten years .
20 We ALL want the team to do well and , although results are going against us at present , I feel my policy of rebuilding will , in the long term , bring us success .
21 ‘ I like the physical aspect of British football and I feel my game is suited to the Premier League . ’
22 ‘ I never feel my age .
23 I feel my age .
24 As he takes the mobile from me he says , ‘ That 's my best boy , ’ and I feel my legs do a little dance .
25 My brother Sean is very slow , and I feel my stepfather had something to do with that too .
26 And I do that say that because I want you to be feel my commitment to what what we 're trying to do here .
27 Feel my violence , feel my spite , kick my own spine and spit at the others like that loony lady who walks around town looking smart and knocking people 's hats off .
28 To those workers who profess bewilderment as to how they might help , who feel their knowledge in sexual matters is insufficient or are doubtful of their capabilities for sexual counselling and aid , one would suggest that they raise the matter within their training departments .
29 The Financial Times of June 28 described this review clause " ploy " as designed " to hold out the hope to countries which feel their aspirations unsatisfied in this constitutional revision that they may do better next time " .
30 While both Steven and Matthew feel their parents ' divorce was ultimately for the good , it has left Steven , at least , with strong reservations about marriage .
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