Example sentences of "around for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Yesterday , the superlatives were still being tossed around for Arazi , who won impressively at Saint-Cloud on Tuesday to confirm his passage to Louisville for the Kentucky Derby , on May 2 .
2 Wildly she glanced around for Tara , but after an early swim she 'd disappeared .
3 For example , your GP should have greater flexibility to look around for treatment in hospitals which offer the shortest waiting times .
4 ] The Secretary of State strongly endorsed the idea of patients shopping around for treatment to cut waiting times [ …
5 It is usual for frustrated youth to protest that ‘ it 's not fair ’ and to look around for bogymen to blame .
6 " At the time , settlers were already cutting and burning great stretches of jungle for many miles around for agriculture , forced into the region by poverty in their own territories .
7 However , ‘ Sophisticat costs for 5kg and the standard aquarium ammonia remover costs around for 500g .
8 can hassle anybody who still around for phone directories and so on .
9 Casting around for members
10 He screwed up the note into small pieces and looked around for others .
11 And so you find yourself forced , not merely to note the diversity of belief and the strength of individual confidence , and to be a bit sceptical , but to search around for principles of adjudication , for ways of trying to sort out what beliefs are reasonable and acceptable , and what not .
12 Among the regulars at our dump are a pack of stray dogs , rooting around for bones and scraps .
13 But he was n't ready yet to go back to his home and rummage around for documents .
14 It is generally accepted in the 1990s that no academic library can be self-sufficient , and that academics must move around for materials ( see Chapter 11 on ‘ weeding ’ ) .
15 The refectory had been built when there was money around for building and the architect had let himself go with walls of glass and a high curving ceiling panelled in pastel colours .
16 But buyers most likely to be satisfied probably already own a desktop PC , perhaps with an important text file which they 'd be glad to carry around for reference .
17 She began to struggle free of Marco 's embrace , groping around for anchorage .
18 In brief : take time and shop around for clothes that are adventurous but classic .
19 But they 're gone , and you 're scrabbling around for work .
20 ‘ Oh , all this moving around for work . ’
21 He looks around for Mark .
22 Letting the water buoy up my weight I stretched my feet down to touch bottom and found the water came up to my ears ; took a deep breath , put the rest of my head under and reached around for Harry , unable to see him , unable with open eyes to see anything at all .
23 He put a neck-lock on the youth he was holding and looked around for help .
24 The search for subjects that would appeal to audiences narrowed the range of films made , and resulted in a sometimes excessive reliance on stories involving naughty boys , magic drinks , plucky dogs pursuing criminals and clothes left lying around for tramps to pick up .
25 Halcyon days indeed but now the trio have broken up and McWilliams after another brief spell in England is back searching around for mounts .
26 She sticks the cigarette in her mouth and looks around for matches .
27 Claire ranges back and forth at the foot of the bed , throwing her arms around for emphasis .
28 Next , he looks around for credit terms paying a one-fifth deposit of £20 , and the rest in 24 monthly instalments .
29 The 1977 US survey quoted above concluded from the experience of those interviewed that ‘ heightened consumer awareness has apparently not been accompanied by an increase in ( shopping around for credit ) by consumers ’ .
30 Our survey shows that people with bank accounts are much more likely than others to shop around for credit , and to use lower-cost forms of credit .
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