Example sentences of "students [pron] [be] " in BNC.

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1 The Institute seems to be rather vaguely organized , as they still have n't been able to tell me what students I am teaching — my teaching , it turns out , does n't start until Monday , but I have heard that an abnormally large number of students have signed up for my course , so I shall have a lot of marking of papers to do at the end of four weeks .
2 Among the throngs of passing students I was thinking fondly of Jordi when someone who was obviously an American passed by , and our eyes met for a split second .
3 However , it has made no provision in its spending plans for the influx of EC students which is likely to follow .
4 The college also has a course for physically or mentally handicapped students which is free to those registered disabled , Ribber Courses for double bed machines and another on panelled skirts and shadow pleats .
5 The project examines possible approaches towards providing more relevant locally orientated curricula for rural children and strengthening links between the school and the rural community.J– To this end the formal school operates a single morning session of five hours leaving the rest of the day for projects undertaken by students which are seen as complementary to the in-class programme .
6 Thus , multicultural handbooks and official reports such as Ramp ton and Swann warn against the common teacher stereotypes of Afro-Caribbean ( ‘ disruptive ’ , ‘ lazy ’ ) and Asian ( ‘ industrious ’ , ‘ passive ’ , ‘ over-ambitious ’ ) students which are also documented in academic research on teachers ' attitudes ( Brittan , 1976 ) .
7 And as students you 're in E.
8 You mean that drama students who are graduating from training should have the chance to join Equity ?
9 Perhaps most interesting , but most dangerous , are the very small minority of students who are really chronically affected by this sensation .
10 Experience has shown , however , that often it is the young and able students who are most likely to go undetected and have a low ‘ g ’ accident .
11 Such a degree course would not suit everyone , but it might well be attractive to the late entrants and mature students who are increasingly common participants in higher education , particularly in the humanities , and who bring valuable experience of life and work to their study , but may have rather little formal preparation .
12 This might exclude many students who are currently enrolled in English degrees , even those with good A-levels which can now be obtained very largely by studying drama and fiction .
13 I teach students who are often illiterate , who do not know how to use a hand-held calculator , who have never seen a film with subtitles or read a classic work of literature , and who can not spell even the name of important people in their field ( for example , psychology majors who spell Freud as Frued ) .
14 Students who are not taught the ‘ trivial ’ names of chemicals ( R. D. Bagnall , What 's in a name , Chem .
15 The college has a number of resident post-graduate students who are there for periods varying from a year to three years .
16 Students who are inexperienced in research frequently fail to narrow and focus their efforts to achievable units .
17 Students who are not able to be present are admitted to their degrees in absentia .
18 Students who are on a part-time course or on a postgraduate course , or students from outside the United Kingdom , will not normally be eligible for a loan .
19 A higher rate of loan is available for students who are living away from home .
20 Students who are interested in participating in a workshop should contact the Counselling Service on their campus .
21 Students who are provisionally enrolled are subject to the Charter , Statutes , Ordinances and Regulations of the University as are from time to time in force .
22 Students who are normally resident in Northern Ireland are not normally eligible for postgraduate awards from award-giving bodies in Great Britain even if they undertook their first degree at a university or polytechnic in Great Britain .
23 Magee College is well situated for students who are interested in outdoor activities , with sailing at Fahan , rowing and canoeing on the River Foyle , and walking and climbing in nearby Donegal .
24 Students who are nationals of one of the member states of the European Community ( other than the United Kingdom ) and who are accepted on undergraduate courses at the University of Ulster will , in most cases , be eligible to receive a mandatory award to cover the payment of fees .
25 Among the students who are studying at the Central School , which was set up in 1982 by Christopher Gable and Ann Stannard , special mention must go to the male dancers for their outstanding elevation and strength .
26 Places are not restricted to locals ; students who are willing to undertake a journey many still be successful in gaining entry on to this stimulating and imaginative course .
27 Also , taking into account a 100 Group survey and a brief note on the view of organisations already authorised to train , the report concludes that although the ‘ TOPP schemes established so far are providing excellent training opportunities for those students who are committed to a career in a non-practising environment ’ , the Institute may need to review its approach if it wants to increase the range of its training opportunities .
28 A few weeks later there appeared a letter to the then prestigious Pall Mall Gazette from Sickert praising the move because there are more clothed than naked people in the world , they display a greater variety of shapes and colours , drawing or painting them does not require the high temperature ‘ which is extremely injurious to young people , and to women of whom the classes largely consist ’ and , most piquantly , because ‘ the absence of the nude model will eliminate a certain number of students who are drawn by mere curiosity . ’
29 We now have an opportunity to benefit from lessons learned , as , during the past year , we have undertaken a pilot scheme to integrate life preparation students with Sports and Leisure students who are following a City and Guilds course .
30 They will also provide mechanisms for supporting and counselling those students who are at risk of failing to reach Compact goals .
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