Example sentences of "friends [conj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 So that 's what his friends and/or employees called the unpleasant Mr. Preston .
2 This may reflect either the decreased mobility of older people or a decline in the number of friends and/or family available for visiting .
3 A Dunbartonshire gentleman attached to the Duke of Montrose became involved in what he described as ‘ a foolish ploy [ which ] happened at Glasgow the first day at the Circuit held ther with some of our friends & Barrowfields , wher we were all fyned ’ .
4 I have not forgotten you ! … been a very busy summer with friends & Festival & family !
5 As a child it 's your parents or friends or teachers , and in old age it 's helpers or carers to see you through . ’
6 Before anyone applies for a grant from the Social Fund they should check what money is in the estate of the person who has died , such as in bank or building society accounts ; whether there will be any money from insurance policies or charities , friends or relatives ( either of the person claiming the grant or the person who has died ) ; and any savings that the person claiming has over £500 .
7 One day a week , the men were allowed a dark suit to go out for the day to visit friends or relatives .
8 Most are ordered by friends or relatives as an original ( and costly ) gift for a special birthday or anniversary , and a fair number by institutions and companies to honour retiring luminaries .
9 These have no near friends or relatives to part from , and the future is bright for each ; but all the same , a lump comes in one 's throat as the train steams out of the station amid cheering and the strains of ‘ Auld Lang Syne ’ .
10 These caring visits could be by neighbours , friends or relatives , whose visits could be to check that the sufferer was all right , to give emotional support , or to provide help with personal or household tasks .
11 Getting older often means a reaching-back to beginnings , and you may yearn to return to the place of your origins , or to be in touch with old friends or relatives far away .
12 We need to identify the unemployed people who are most likely to suffer ; several studies suggest that support from friends or relatives can help .
13 They seemed to dance all the time with their own group of friends or relatives .
14 This avoids the extra worry of having to give friends or relatives last-minute instructions about where to find everything in a hurry .
15 ‘ It goes against t'grain ti do business wi' friends or relatives .
16 Sometimes , the doppelganger appears to friends or relatives of the dying , and their mimicry is so convincing that they are usually taken for the person involved .
17 If you are sending photographs abroad for some friends or relatives , then why not send some local flowers , or some from your garden , as a reminder not only of your family but also of your home or country .
18 is it easier for the children to stay with friends or relatives , for a while , or indefinitely ?
19 About 90% of rural adults in Mexico have friends or relatives who are or have been working in the United States .
20 The questionnaire included personal details ( age , sex , current grade of employment , ethnic group , marital status , years of full time education , highest level of education , partner 's and father 's occupation , housing tenure , and car ownership ) ; health ( self rated health over the past 12 months , presence of longstanding illness , and presence of recurring health problems based on questions used in the general household survey , and presence of psychiatric symptoms based on the 30 item general health questionnaire ) ; health related behaviours ( current smoking habits , usual frequency of alcohol consumption in past 12 months , and amount of alcohol consumed in the past seven days ) ; psychosocial work characteristics ( assessed with a 67 item questionnaire based on the occupational strain model of job demands and decision latitude which included questions on control , variety and use of skills , and work pace as proposed by Karasek , support at work , and job satisfaction ) ; social circumstances outside work ( number of dependent children , social contact with relatives and friends , and personal difficulties such as financial problems ) ; and types of social support ( assessed by 15 self report questions on up to four nominated close friends or relatives ) .
21 The multiplicity of groups to which each individual was obliged to belong placed further external restraints on his or her activities , and discouraged the expression of independent thought even among close friends or relatives .
22 I wonder how many other smallholders there are who also feel the responsibility of going away too daunting because of having to leave their animals with under experienced friends or relatives .
23 Some patients may not have friends or relatives able to give them support at home , or may live in unsuitable accommodation .
24 It also accounts for the extraordinary ability of shoppers to select from a huge array those goods most appropriate to themselves and their close friends or relatives .
25 If he had friends or relatives who were hiding or supporting him it would be a different matter , but this does not appear to be the case .
26 Finding a suitable firm for articles can present problems if you have no friends or relatives who are in a position to help .
27 If a person is suffering from a fairly severe mental disorder and has close friends or relatives who sympathize , encourage early treatment and make full rehabilitation possible by providing a tolerant but secure home after hospitalization , then the person has a fair chance of ultimately coping with their illness without it handicapping their general performance in life too severely .
28 This paper has raised some of the issues involved in providing support and suitable living in their own homes , in the homes of friends or relatives or in sheltered housing .
29 Eventually the person may not even recognize their friends or relatives .
30 Most are run by women who have had friends or relatives in prison , and they do an excellent job of giving practical advice and helping wives deal with conflicting emotions .
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