Example sentences of "to find that he " in BNC.

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1 The other members began to find that he gave the faculty coherence and a sense of purpose .
2 One day Mr Hurd woke up to find that he was the Foreign Secretary , pinched himself , and found that his first big job was forcibly deporting the boat people in Hong Kong back to Vietnam .
3 Gazzer took a step backwards , disturbed to find that he felt threatened : she was not so easy to manage after all .
4 Mungo moved towards it , surprised to find that he was not nervous .
5 When I checked up on his progress I was startled to find that he had not only planted up the four pots but his red wellington boots as well , liberally watering both them and himself and then garnishing with sprigs of a semi-dormant fuchsia as a finishing touch .
6 He was a little surprised to find that he was n't afraid .
7 When Allen at last found a crevice secure enough to trust to he looked over to find that he was peering into the little courtyard onto the rain-wet backs of the dejected horses .
8 It seemed like home to Henry Schwartz , though it came as a surprise to find that he was not immediately accepted .
9 She had been dismayed to find that he must have made enquiries in Helmsley and tracked her down , but she 'd become a much more confident and secure woman since the early days of her marriage .
10 A drop of soap trickled into his eyes and he rubbed it only to find that he had created more pain .
11 Sometimes , of course , it can work the other way round ; I recall a woman , going through a difficult time with her husband , returning after a few days ' holiday to find that he had swept and cleaned the house from top to bottom .
12 She had been surprised to find that he did n't feel it beneath him to help her in the house .
13 Finally she called him only to find that he was not in his apartment at Buckingham Palace .
14 " No , " he said immediately , surprising himself to find that he actually believed it .
15 I never took a meal with him , but I should be surprised to find that he ate with a good appetite .
16 Haines assured me that everything at his end would remain secret , but a few years later I was both surprised and vexed to find that he had retailed the story in his memoirs without any indication of his pledge of confidentiality .
17 Here he was surprised and a little frightened to find that he was being carried further out to sea .
18 Where an applicant voluntarily left accommodation but had then acquired temporary accommodation , the courts interpreted the legislation so as to entitle the local authority to relate back to the first accommodation and so to find that he was intentionally homeless .
19 I was drained after meeting Normandin and when Mary and I got to Roger Auque 's hotel , it was almost a relief to find that he was out .
20 He was beginning to find that he enjoyed the big offworlder 's company , and it was amazing how many things they had in common .
21 ‘ An American voice , ’ he said in wonder , as if he were surprised to find that he was still alive and about to be rescued , after the previous night 's events .
22 The point that no one in government seems to have grasped is that the businessman who spots what he thinks is a gap in the market and retools his factory , only to find that he has made an error of judgment , loses his own money and learns his lesson .
23 On our way we called on the established church minister , who had been the means of our coming to the Island , and with whom we had special business , and were immensely tickled to find that he had actually fled !
24 It was certainly better than the sandwich and a can of beer that she 'd expected ; if this had been the late and unlamented Eddie she 'd probably have been faced with a walk to the nearest carry-out to find that he 'd finished off the beer in her absence .
25 BROTHER CADFAEL had made one journey to the hamlet of Preston in search of the young man Aldhelm , only to find that he was away in the riverside fields of the manor of Upton , busy with the lambing , for the season had been complicated by having to retrieve some of the ewes in haste from the rising water , and the shepherds were working all the hours of the day .
26 She looked at him warily to find that he was regarding her with unprecedented tenderness .
27 While Donna lay in the bathtub , inaccurately bawling the bits she could remember of My Fair Lady , Alex dialled Matthew 's number , only to find that he had switched on his answering machine .
28 Rather dubiously I put it to the Chairman and I was relieved to find that he was quite enthusiastic about the idea .
29 She had been amazed to find that he was n't married , and waited painfully for the announcement of an engagement , or a sizzling scandalous affair .
30 He was a very successful , very good-looking professional in his mid-thirties — just as Tom Russell was , although that was irrelevant , of course — and to find that he seemed to be interested in her was satisfying somehow .
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