Example sentences of "clearly that [pron] " in BNC.

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1 They know nothing about the means of organising , nor are they particularly militant , but they see quickly and quite clearly that they are being exploited .
2 Cardiff were never allowed to demonstrate clearly that they were the fitter and more composed League team , despite an early assault when they forced five corners .
3 And he believes that West German voters may revolt when they realise still more clearly that they will have to foot the bill for unity .
4 Horses indicate quite clearly that they do not like someone , or another animal , by narrowing and pulling-up their nostrils so that wrinkles form above them .
5 Indeed , it is amazing that Sir Leon Brittan should still refer to these ‘ costs ’ long after Pöhl has said quite clearly that they are irrelevant : ‘ the repeated reference to alleged huge savings in transaction costs for the currencies of a single currency area are not in the least convincing ’ .
6 But the record shows clearly that they were definitely more expensive and at least as disruptive of local village life … as the earlier British programs had been .
7 There were only about half a dozen of them , and they could see clearly that they were wizened and wrinkled and , quite plainly , not worth gathering
8 Information from the Novices showed quite clearly that they all saw themselves as working towards a position at the back of the terrace .
9 One look at them will also show quite clearly that they are not too distantly related to the Scats , bearing a very similar body shape and positioning of their anal , caudal and dorsal fins in particular .
10 But it , is n't it an awful situation when you , when you , when you look at it that evidence indicates that the erm the number of people that are either now elderly infirm or sick and and clearly that they all will have to face this , this , this terrible burden and I can not understand because there is , this , there is , there is er a total disarray within the Conservative party , that all their er er back bench er MP s are making representations to their erm their leader who possibly may not be a leader tomorrow but as long as he 's the leader today , John Major that he should do a rethink and here they are er you know , members of the same party , continuing to support something which is so idiosyncratic that you know it 's really beyond belief , er Chairman .
11 also history if I might just say that when the Post Office er split from the Civil Service , the firm was in deficit for twenty years and of course Post Office management say quite clearly that they were putting in sums of eighteen per cent of the pay bill when it was only supposed to be nine per cent of the pay bill and that 's why they 're entitled to the to the surplus .
12 Well really that 's l by and large what groups is all about so it 's clearly that they do and there 's some cases here of sort of cyclists cycling harder and faster when they 've got they 're training with other cyclists or erm when they 're training against the clock .
13 I have to say that if this room was filled by the Roman Catholic bishops of Ireland and they were pushing me very hard about divorce , I would have to say very clearly that their fear that civil divorce will make marital breakdown worse , or enhance or facilitate it — my answer would be : No , it will make very little difference .
14 Such retrospective interests are not uncommon but often elicit only disdain from the youths who see clearly that their parents ' belated enthusiasm is a product purely of the tangible rewards sport brings along .
15 Through the lenses he could see clearly that their faces and clothing were covered with blood .
16 Work by Peter Collett , an Oxford academic , has shown clearly that what goes on in front of the telly is , in practice , virtually anything .
17 The overriding problem is that unlike most criminal acts where one knows clearly that one has committed a crime , one can often only know one has published obscene or indecent material at the very end of a prosecution .
18 We have said clearly that we shall not accept changes in the rules on rabies unless we can have at least the same safeguards as we have today .
19 On Aug. 9 , when the aircraft carrier Clémenceau was directed to the Gulf area , President Mitterrand said that France 's long-standing friendly relations with Iraq , and support during its war with Iran , " allows us to say all the more clearly that we accept neither the aggression against Kuwait nor the annexation which followed " .
20 The and their self-opinionated Premier , Jacques Delores , must be told clearly that we stand for co-operation of Western style democracy , not the old Eastern block style of all encompassing socialist state with the dead hand of Brussels directing policies , as Moscow did with the U S S R. Freedom of the independent nation and people must confer .
21 Reaching Herr 's headquarters at Dugny , Serrigny recalls he ‘ had the impression very clearly that we had entered a lunatic asylum .
22 But the main there 'ere is , we have n't actually changed our position we have actually stated clearly that we wanted to achieve something , we wanted to make sure that what was being provided in that community was the best best thing possible within the resources available and that things developed on This amendment takes us that way forward and we are at least being clear to our principles rather than just being negatively obstructive .
23 There were times when Blackadder allowed himself to see clearly that he would end his working life , that was to say his conscious thinking life , in this task , that all his thoughts would have been another man 's thoughts , all his work another man 's work .
24 ‘ This last letter is very coherent and structured , ’ says Mr Santilli , ‘ and with the others shows very clearly that he was looking forward to the future .
25 He told Angel clearly that he was wrong in parting from Tess .
26 Erm on the basis that er we were , when we were setting the , the targets , the time was set by the work study personnel erm and then the operator was able to obtain a trial run on the time given er and if at the end of the work , he was satisfied that he had made the target bonus , or near enough , or if he was satisfied that , given a little extra opportunity to go back onto that job should it come back again in the near future , then he would , he would see clearly that he could make at least fifty percent er which was the target bonus , and probably more .
27 Through her own trusting innocence she was alone with a man who 'd stated quite clearly that he wanted her .
28 But he had her between a rock and a hard place , and the look in his eyes told her only too clearly that he knew it .
29 Does he agree that a few weasel words in a newspaper do not constitute a policy of nuclear deterrence , particularly when the leader of that party has stated clearly that he would never use nuclear weapons , even if Britain were under nuclear attack ?
30 He shows clearly that he did not find evidence of the so-called two-tier phenomenon to which the hon. Lady refers , but that the total of care provided was increased .
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