Example sentences of "twenty [adj] day " in BNC.

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1 If the developer has notified the planning authority in advance then the twenty eight day period is extended to four months .
2 But if you 've made a twenty eight day clause then yes it 'll go to the children a hundred sixty thousand pounds and there 'd be tax payable on ten thousand pounds .
3 If you 've got a will however , the elder dies first which is why we have these twenty eight day clauses , you know the man is sixty , the wife is fifty five and they 're both killed together .
4 Yes because in practice what the will would say is that the spouse would have to survive for twenty eight days , th the usual phraseology .
5 There 's a will and the man left everything to his wife , she will get it all if if we have n't put in this clause which technically says , Leave it all to my wife if she survives for twenty eight days .
6 But there are big problems that arise there because of this practice of having leave it to my spouse if she survives twenty eight days .
7 That 's a conditional gift divorce makes it that that gift is revoked but she may still survive therefore the condition would apply and therefore the subsequent er provisions that you 've made in a will do n't apply because they can only apply if the wife survives twenty eight days but that 's ignored !
8 Congress , not so long ago we had Panorama and I T V , and I congratulate both of 'em , for highlighting to the world the problems of temporary and low paid part-time workers , where one agent went under cover and where Panorama highlighted that temporary working conditions , not of back-street sweatshops , not of the little corner shops down the road , or th or the little needlework factories , but of E M I , one of our biggest producers in this country , that they were employing labour for one year eleven months and twenty eight days and then sacking 'em .
9 Previously they had to wait twenty eight days before doing so .
10 Leaving the rest of community care aside , the admissions to our part three E P H s were thirteen in July , twelve in August and in the first twenty eight days of September , just four .
11 Because some months have got thirty one days in other months have got thirty days in and one month has only got twenty eight days in and twenty nine in a leap year .
12 Thirty days hath September April June and November all the rest have thirty one except for February alone which has twenty eight days clear and twenty nine in each leap year .
13 erm the the order which one , one I concern , maybe we can discuss if to , if , if the defendants were prepared to undertake to erm provide any as to instruct within twenty eight days from today , the matter should be list on and this convention on a Friday , Friday in about two or two and a half month 's time from now , which will take us in the next term , I , I beg a suggestion
14 He won that actually on appeal because he said he needed to raise the funds for a project he 'd got in mind and they allowed him twenty eight days in the first year , he now carries on fourteen days without planning permission every year , but give him credit he does run it very well , er and you can not fault him , but we in our area do actually issue licences , you can not have a car boot sale or market stall without a licence and I personally have run the charity markets in er the village high street and got a licence at the cost of a pound .
15 All the authorities have twenty eight days to appeal that could result in the final cap being higher , lower or staying the same .
16 but you 're allowed , supposed to be allowed it so it tallies up with test certificate , twenty eight days
17 it wants doing and sending , and put in i put twenty eight days on .
18 Because yo di I said I had to send that agreement because you 're failing to meet the standard agreement , you 're not paying within the twenty eight days or the thirty days !
19 well all that was said was , really , they had twenty eight days to pay .
20 And if they did n't pay within them twenty eight days or
21 That 's what we put , twenty eight days .
22 Yeah stay up there twenty eight days come up in
23 And he said erm well he said we can ta take into consideration you 've four kids he said can extend it for twenty eight days
24 he said and we 'll just jot down that you 've extended for twenty eight days .
25 And she said they said that as soon as the twenty eight days is up there is to go into but but they 've got to take pot luck wherever the Olner estate anywhere .
26 So she said seven days but she was right because she said twenty eight days .
27 I told she 's got another twenty eight days .
28 Twenty eight days coming round .
29 I do a , well I suppose it 's twenty eight days like everything else , that 's what it is
30 He told me it was still there and that he 'd been told he 's got to write to them today and they 've got to get it taken off within twenty eight days .
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