Example sentences of "left a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 So appealing a plant do I find this that I have planted a ‘ fairy ring ’ of eight where the hurricane left a space .
2 We also left a space for teachers to add any others which had occurred in their school .
3 The breakdown of corporatism , however , left a space for the introduction of New Right strategies .
4 When the jet came up from nowhere it left a space devoid of air and we just dropped into it . ’
5 Overall revenue to federal government , however , under the terms of a new revenue allocation formula , was expected to be N 25,430 million , which after estimated total federal government expenditure of N 39,760 million , left a deficit of N 14,330 million .
6 A gunsmith is taking Michael Heseltine , the President of the Board of Trade , to court over a bureaucratic blunder which left a company close to bankruptcy .
7 Questions poured towards the chair , and Mrs Murphy banged her gavel so hard on the coffee table that it left a mark , which distressed her so much that she forgot for a moment why she was hammering and stared sadly at the dent in the wood .
8 It left a mark , they could see it now , gleaming on the sand as muddy swell crawled away .
9 They called us in told us some information about there being no work , then left a pile of envelopes on a table telling us we had been made redundant .
10 A man who momentarily left a computer game outside his house in Greenbank Road , Darlington , found it had been stolen when he returned .
11 On the ego it left a stamp which definitively brought about in man the culmination of the long primate evolutionary trend towards dominance of the higher cortical centres over the lower , olfactory ones , and the final emancipation of his fore-limb from locomotion and of his responses from direct chemical stimuli .
12 But it left a question .
13 He left a plea behind him : ‘ Stop the killings in Braşov . ’
14 Exuberantly believing that he alone was responsible for the separation and still moved by a powerfully purifying sense of goodness and rightness , Hope paid his modest bill the next morning , left a parting note for George , checked himself from asking to see Mary , promised — though he lied — to return and set off at a tremendous pace for Hause Point .
15 A year later a dramatic attempt to assassinate him left a smoke-trail leading back to Mr Hussein .
16 It is certainly fortunate for us that the numbers are unequal because , if they had been the same , nearly all the quarks and antiquarks would have annihilated each other in the early universe and left a universe filled with radiation but hardly any matter .
17 He left a year earlier than he need have done .
18 She went up to Somerville College , Oxford , in 1917 , but left a year later to join the Women 's Army Auxiliary Corps , and served in France until August 1919 as a hostel forewoman .
19 Trouble erupted again outside in the street which left a man injured .
20 A pal said the Crystal Palace captain left a man bleeding from the face after a brawl outside a south London nightspot .
21 Monet , that most impassioned adherent of the theory , invariable finished off what in effect were initially sketches in his studio , possessed three cameras , and on his death left a mass of photographic prints — several of Rouen cathedral , the subject of one of his most famous ‘ series ’ .
22 The tide had passed its peak and left a mass of debris behind , including the long , bony body of the undertaker , lodged in a miniature gully , apparently wedged between the rocks .
23 They left a tent there , with a Norwegian flag on it .
24 One of them left a couple of minutes later to buy a newspaper .
25 I left a couple of months ago , at the end of March . ’
26 As the style passed , Glam left a couple of stings in its tail .
27 She left a couple of days later , with the kid . ’
28 Well at that time you did n't leave out money so you just left a couple of tokens tokens
29 If er if you were going out and you knew the coal man might be round that day so you just left a couple of coal tokens out at the door or whatever .
30 The discovery of more stable chemicals ( Table 3 ) — the true residual insecticides — which were sprayed on to the walls and roofs of dwellings and left a deposit that was lethal to mosquitoes resting on it for many weeks and even months , produced the ideal control that did not demand an impossibly high efficiency .
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