Example sentences of "whom i think " in BNC.

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1 I was desolated by the emotional separation from my mother , whom I thought the most wonderful person in the world .
2 ‘ I 've known Buff Orpingtons whom I thought had a spark . ’
3 Indeed the Ards and Linfield contingents should have been , at least , spoken to by referee Herbie Barr , whom I thought had a below average game .
4 Either book could be considered the masterpiece of someone whom I think of as among the most gifted authors now at work in England .
5 They are all partly true and they all make up the totality of a man whom I think very few people — perhaps least of all Niki himself — really understand .
6 On whom I think the world ought to take a little pity .
7 Both are former Benedictines , whom I think you 'll remember , Sister .
8 Twice a month the fat lawyer whom I think of as the Agent comes to visit in his sweaty suit .
9 There are very few of those artists of the 1980s whom I think will have any standing in a few years .
10 So , when Fisher Fine Art closed down , they asked us to take on some of the artists and we decided to try out Gwen Hardie whom I think is promising .
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