Example sentences of "final [noun sg] was " in BNC.

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1 The final hurdle was overcome on Dec. 18 , when the Ministers approved a directive on the question of solvency and capital adequacy for banks-an issue which had already caused deep disagreement , notably in West Germany , where fears had been expressed that it would lead to a dilution of the sector 's relatively high national standards .
2 It was reported as working satisfactorily in October 1900 and it must have remained so , for the final payment was made to Messrs. Gwynnes in February 1901.2 ; There are but two further important references in the Committee Minutes before the closure of the lift nine years later .
3 In the 1932 final Male was at left-half , while Bob John took an unfamiliar place at outside-right , Bastin moving inside to take James 's place .
4 jct contact was evidential bar to employer contending against contractor that work was defective after final certificate was issued .
5 But , as we shall see , the final settlement was by no means so easily achieved , and no less than six claimants submitted their cases to Philip the Fair in 1302 .
6 The judgment effectively absolved it of criminal and civil liability for causing approximately 3,500 deaths and injuries to thousands , and the final settlement was only a percentage of the orginial sum of $3.5 billion that the government was going to sue them for .
7 Even before the final settlement was reached , Montgomerie , disillusioned by William 's stalling tactics and by the fact that his own personal political ambitions had been frustrated , turned to plotting , attempting to build up an alliance of Club members and Jacobites who would be able to " bring home King James in a Parliamentary way " .
8 At last the final bucket was passed down .
9 But the final horror was the same . ’
10 In the long term , this final measure was the most momentous of all .
11 The final addition was the Marbled Hatchetfish .
12 I BRING you today a hand from a recent teams match where the number of tricks made in the same final contract was eleven in one room , but only six in the other .
13 Turn of speed was devastating and the final touchdown was true showmanship .
14 For more than ten years Victoria fell into a state of decrepitude and assumed a ghost like appearance , and it was not until 1986 that final demolition was to take place to make way for an extension to the Victoria Hotel .
15 Although the final decision was with Cabinet , it would be most unlikely that they would overturn the views of a committee which had spent a number of weeks going through the proposals almost line by line — particularly given that half the Cabinet were on the committee and the Prime Minister was in the chair .
16 It 's just difficult to know why the final decision was changed and where it was made in the first place .
17 Thus his conduct very well illustrates the maxim ‘ Look before you leap ’ ; and if his final decision was made when the trend of circumstances was making it harder to leave home , he might well have recalled ‘ He who hesitates is lost ’ .
18 According to Pearl , the final decision was based on what was discovered from the reference site visits .
19 Farr-Jones ' final decision was made soon after the ‘ Yes ’ vote was overwhelmingly passed in South Africa by the white minority .
20 Within the government political judgements on the issue were somewhat confused — Cripps , in particular , saw devaluation ‘ as an act of foreign policy quite as much as of economic policy ’ [ ibid , 141 ] ; and the final decision was made by three junior ministers outside the Cabinet .
21 The final decision was taken at the end of October , with victory only a few days away , and was announced with the publication of a letter from Lloyd George to Bonar Law , a letter actually drafted by Law as a summary of their agreement .
22 Ministers may claim that the final decision was influenced by some other considerations than the objections of MPs .
23 The House of Lords , while accepting that some elements of natural justice could apply to investigations and preliminary determinations , held that an opportunity to see the counter-statement was not required : no final decision was being made and if the taxpayer could comment on the counter-statement the Commissioners would wish to comment on those comments , thereby producing an endless succession of exchanges , bringing the administration to a standstill .
24 No final decision was taken on which countries would contribute to the Arab force , but Egypt , Syria and Morocco subsequently announced that they would provide troops .
25 And I am not entirely persuaded that the views of colleagues in this matter were given adequate weight when the final decision was taken .
26 This was an interlocutory hearing so no final decision was taken but the judge thought that there was an arguable case that the list of mnemonics was protected by copyright because of the work in designing the controller in the first place .
27 His final decision was possibly taken at the time of the war with Alaric , when he may have thought that there was propaganda value to be gained by standing as the defender of the catholic Church ; he was subsequently baptised , probably in 508 .
28 Its final decision was seen as a compromise , since it had been asked to rule on a total of 44 logging sites , covering over 4,000 acres in all .
29 More than five million 10p shares in the Scottish football champions are at stake in the row but a judge decided that evidence would have to be heard before a final decision was reached .
30 The final entrance was that of a huddled figure who needed to be carried into the room .
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