Example sentences of "tell us [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But whether he 'd tell us over the telephone , you think ask .
2 Surprise ( in the sense studied in Baillargeon 's experiment — passive capture of visual attention ) is not an action so it can not tell us about central system function .
3 Thus : surprise can not tell us about the development of the central systems .
4 Agreeing that naïve empiricism is insufficient and that language does not tell us about the world in any simple , unmediated , or transparent way , they still believe that a sense of reality can be conveyed by language ( the position derided as mere ‘ common sense ’ by the Newest Criticism ) .
5 What do these tests tell us about mental performance ?
6 ‘ Do tell us about your apprentice days , Daddy , ’ said Vicky .
7 Their role as the principal form of money for over two millennia means they can tell us about economies for which we have little or no written evidence , and the fact that they were mass-produced and have survived in such large numbers offers the opportunity to approach the economic history of some societies in a quantitative way .
8 They can tell us about political slogans ( see pp. 37–8 ) , and give us important information about the people and places who made them .
9 What can they tell us about the nature of an economy ?
10 How do the constitutional procedures and general political procedures in the other countries of the EC compare and what do these differences tell us about their attitudes to European integration ?
11 What does that tell us about him ? ’
12 Residuals can tell us about the general level of variability of data over and above that accounted for by the fit ; we can judge atypical behaviour against this variability , as measured , for example , by the midspread of the residuals .
13 Anything else you can tell us about Herr Hamnett , or the other man ? ’
14 The spacecraft results also confirm that ground-based observations can indirectly tell us about fluctuations in the solar constant .
15 Can you tell us about that ? ’
16 What does this tell us about a biblical attitude regarding our partner 's body in the marriage relationship ?
17 We need to know not only the practical arrangements for the resident members , but anything you can tell us about Dominic Wetherby himself .
18 This meant he could tell us about his experience and shed some light on the strengths and weaknesses of the nursing care he received during his 15-day stay in the unit .
19 All you have to do is tell us about the worst computer nightmare you 've ever had .
20 It will tell us about the individuals ' ability to make and maintain new relationships .
21 It will tell us about former hobbies and interests which may be important in future plans .
22 ‘ Chrissie did n't tell us about that , ’ said Hatch quietly .
23 This , in turn , will cause us to address the broader issue of whether there is , in a more general sense , a genuine , causal association between insanity and at least some forms of creativity ; and , if that is so , what it can tell us about the underlying qualities of psychosis and of the creative process .
24 The Captain was saying to the Sub-lieutenant , ‘ I want to know everything she can tell us about the Maxwell girl , family , friends , habits , etcetera — everything .
25 However , they do not tell us about the complex subjective processes which this involved .
26 Given that all those involved were volunteers , and had been chosen at random to be guards or prisoners , what does this tell us about the influence of power on human behaviour ?
27 Thus a detailed knowledge of the material conditions in which communities have lived will tell us about the constraints under which they have laboured ; and this in turn will help us to understand some of their properties .
28 Cox ( 1981 ) is interested in what women 's subjectivity may tell us about matriarchal modes of consciousness .
29 The writer then explores what research can tell us about the impact of national policies on families , the impact of community attitudes , children 's experiences of divorce and step-families and some of the traumas children suffer in the course of family life , sometimes so great that they are driven to run away and then incur other serious problems for which inadequate provision is made in the community as a whole .
30 If it is shown that young people who leave care and have been trained to live independently move quickly into group living situations , what does this tell us about provision for older adolescents ?
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