Example sentences of "give up their " in BNC.

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1 Nor would rank and file trade unionists give up their rights to be ballotted on strike action and the appointment of officials , Mr Hammond said .
2 The general said that the mutinous soldiers would abandon their positions , give up their ammunition and walk on foot to their camp at Fort Bonafacio about three miles away .
3 Men need , in effect , to say to each other , ‘ I authorize and give up my right of governing myself , to this man , or to this assembly of men , on this condition , that they give up their right to him and authorize all his actions in like manner . ’
4 Moreover , he urges his readers not to join sects that make their adherents abandon their families , give up their money and worldly interests , and lead restricted lives that are ordered entirely by the rulers of the sect .
5 Those who give up their employment to care for a disabled relative may also have their pension rights protected by the Home Responsibilities Protection Regulations which came into effect in April 1978 .
6 She says : ‘ People tend to forget that WRVS volunteers have jobs and give up their spare time willingly to help the public .
7 Some people give up their work and float through the year , but Bill did n't .
8 Many Dwarfs are slain and the Dwarfs give up their attempted reconquests .
9 AT&T Co is happy to have the Baby Bells enter the long-distance market in the US on condition that they give up their local monopoly : AT&T also will lobby to eliminate remaining regulation of long-distance .
10 But why should corrupt politicians voluntarily give up their powers of patronage and intervention ?
11 CERN , for instance , is ready to swing over to NT and abandon its Unix boxes because the administration side there is awash with incompatible PCs and Macs and if the techies give up their Unix stations then everybody will be on the same system .
12 Most of the organisations listed area run by volunteer enthusiasts who give up their spare time to painstakingly restore and operate these fascinating survivors from the great age of steam .
13 Of course , once children give up their single-level assumption , they accept the fact that terms at different levels such as dog and animal or bear and toy may be used to pick out the same object .
14 and walls give up their heat , just as the pearls
15 ‘ And , as you say , Master , how were they lured to their deaths and why so meekly give up their lives ? ’
16 People often give up their own home to move into the home of the person for whom they will be caring but may lose that home as a result of the income support capital rules .
17 Appearances give up their ghosts today —
18 I know that 's difficult to provide erm , and the money 's got to be found for that , but it , it 's a mixed blessing putting elderly people into , a lot are put into our homes , which I agree are very good the majority of them , they 're very nice , but the people who 're put into them , they give up their own homes , and then they get a bit better six months later , and they say , ooh , I just want to go back to my home now .
19 they , they , they did n't pay it back they give up their land
20 It 's wonderful the way the students give up their free time to help our children
21 They are a group of men and women who give up their own time to do their bit to maintain law and order .
22 However it is not only the famous who give up their time as there are hundreds of missionaries all around the world trying to help people of the same and different religions through worship to God .
23 So it 's all part of this , but this training session , this is when the management and the senior associates within your branch give up their own time , to develop your business for you .
24 They give up their weekends and their evenings and so on .
25 But may I add a special welcome to the unsung heroines and heroes who are not permanent staff , but give up their time — and in some cases their entire annual leave — to work for the Festival when the high pressure time arrives .
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