Example sentences of "give to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 After marriage it would be different ; they would suddenly , without prior instruction , be expected to supervise cooks and other servants , direct a household , entertain , and give to charity out of the housekeeping money .
2 Psychological needs Some of us give to charity because it appeases our guilt .
3 ‘ I give to charity what I can afford . ’
4 There 's far more interesting activity taking place in Brighton than there is in any other single borough area of the whole of the South East region , and that 's reflected in the amount of money which we give to activities in the Brighton area .
5 This is the geography lesson Yucatecos give to visitors in order to explain their state 's politics , in which separatist sentiment is never far from the surface .
6 ‘ We are always looking for new ways to improve the service we give to customers and this was one of them , ’ said Mr David Gettings , store manager .
7 The one real problem is the voice-over give to Liotta 's wife , which drifts in and out of the action and rather muddies Scorsese 's operatic clarity .
8 Warm acceptance , and a compassionate and kindly approach , should be the marks of all that we give to others — and to our own children too .
9 The counsellor , in a variety of ways , has to feed back to counsellees the impressions they give to others , and the way they ‘ come across ’ to other people .
10 And throughout the journey , the question asked by that woman in the beginning anchored the emphasis of this book , it shook a fist at the ghosts over my shoulder ( because like most people I give to others the power to intimidate and censor from afar ) and it forced me to make the chronicle accountable to its subjects .
11 They give to others what they want for themselves .
12 Also vital is the support that we give to exports and trade abroad when British companies are involved .
13 Eva related a similar incident some thirty years later at a meeting entitled " Give to Jesus Glory " .
14 Given half a chance they would ‘ retrobolt ’ ( what curious technical names they give to hearsay these days ) everything we hold dear .
15 He made the mistake of attributing to the press the importance that they themselves give to newspapers and journalists .
16 What guidelines does the Home Department give to magistrates courts committees on how they should approach the closure and amalgamation of rural magistrates courts ?
17 No , you got the lend of the one , he had a lend of the one you give to Nicholas .
18 ‘ It can not be irrelevant to evangelism that so many unbelievers think the place we give to women in the Church is frankly absurd . ’
19 It can not be irrelevant to evangelism that so many unbelievers think the place we give to women is frankly absurd .
20 Which shallow laughing hearers give to fools .
21 For it is the importance that the Formalists give to language in their theory of literature that enables them to avoid the difficulties and the fuzziness that they had so disliked in their critical and scholarly predecessors .
22 Archivist reads : I give to Henry my eldest son my broad loom in the shop with my rapier and dagger and a physic book called the Breviary of Health .
23 The importance of knowing why we do things and not just what to do has altered many of the concepts and shattered many long held perceptions about the effectiveness and quality of care we give to patients .
24 At present the most accessible personal means we have of assessing the standard of care we give to patients is the UKCC 's Code of Professional Conduct .
25 Thanks were give to Surrey ( outer ) for the tea provided .
26 Indeed it may be ( as in my case ) because one deeply cares that there should be good and equal relations between men and women that one is adamant that no one human being can be given the kind of status which Christians give to Christ .
27 How much simpler to say , ‘ I never give to charities . ’
28 Accounts vary in the emphasis they give to events and the order in which events happened .
29 Such inverted commas are often called SCARE QUOTES , and are used especially in philosophically-inspired criticism which is sceptical about the customary senses we give to words .
30 Please give to Sid in process Happy families
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