Example sentences of "everyone [verb] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 However , after a brief respite at Ossett everyone agreed to continue .
2 Everyone has their own ideas about how it should be done , but if everyone agrees to lift it together , it suddenly becomes a very easy task .
3 Why did everyone want to put her in the wrong when she had done nothing to deserve it ?
4 Er does everyone want to do a general essay or do people want to do a s a specific thing ?
5 often this is because of a distinctive vocal sound , but sometimes more subtle devices make everyone want to listen .
6 ‘ Viz will only have a certain life before everyone starts to become bored by it .
7 Then everyone starts to believe in this group .
8 On the word ‘ go ’ , everyone has to hit their egg and try to reach the other side of the room .
9 They 're just confirming that not everyone has to sing the same song .
10 approach , that 's why everybody ca n't , you know , everyone has to conform and it 's like
11 True art and architecture collaboration is a process in which everyone has to define his own limits .
12 As I said , everyone has to go there and a list of Swifts as long as my arm have been to it and now it 's your turn . ’
13 And entertainment as fantasy is not acceptable , though I do n't think everyone has to go to the extremes of U2 or Jimmy Somerville , or whoever it is or whatever their politics .
14 that 's because , you know , I 'm better than everyone else so that 's why everyone has to see wha everyone , everyone has to hear what I 'm saying
15 It is much more difficult to get at property profits than at share profits — everyone has to live somewhere .
16 Everyone has to put limits on their emotional engagement with others — comprehensive engagement would be intolerable .
17 Everyone has to join in the charade : ah , what a good family we are !
18 ‘ Obviously , everyone has to do what they think is right , ’ he said .
19 It 's what everyone has to do at some time — it 's called taking responsibility for yourself .
20 What she wants to talk about , everyone has to do matrix or learn more of the crap .
21 Law-making , and law-changing , being a public responsibility to which everyone has to give a lot of time .
22 Running around in a Chevy Bronco with Texas licence plates — everyone has to know he 's working for you .
23 At cocktail party noise level everyone has to shout simply because everyone is shouting .
24 And I mean I su everyone has to resign themselves I think to some extent but the fact that they are playing a role within their work situation .
25 I suppose everyone has to keep to some sort of rule .
26 Every sound jerks them awake : when the alarm goes everyone has to get up .
27 that 's because , you know , I 'm better than everyone else so that 's why everyone has to see wha everyone , everyone has to hear what I 'm saying
28 ‘ Maybe everyone has to suffer the pangs of calf love before they can recognize when it 's the real thing , ’ she said lightly .
29 Of this lot I feel McCallen can just about win the race — or at least one of the Superbike classes — but Fogarty is obviously the man everyone has to beat and I feel he will not go away empty-handed .
30 ‘ Most people would say an Expo was to promote , to show the world what everyone has to offer . ’
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