Example sentences of "need [noun sg] from " in BNC.

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1 Large leaves may need support from a cane or , in the case of ficus , can be gently rolled up with an elastic band .
2 You will need support from a trained counsellor at either a voluntary organisation like The Terrence Higgins Trust or a sexually transmitted disease clinic , in order to make a good informed decision .
3 Both the building and the collection will need money from the government and elsewhere .
4 Globe artichokes are sprouting new leaves and may need protection from frost in cold areas .
5 Does your baby need protection from the sun ?
6 And this particular public regulation is all about and protecting us from ourselves , and although we do need protection from of the world , we do n't need protection from ourselves .
7 And this particular public regulation is all about and protecting us from ourselves , and although we do need protection from of the world , we do n't need protection from ourselves .
8 But , to her intense relief , Ven did not pursue his thoughts in that direction , but continued , ‘ By my reckoning , be it a hire car back to Mariánské Láznë or a taxi to the airport , you 'd most likely need aid from someone to help you with language difficulties . ’
9 Elderly people with mental impairment who can no longer manage their own affairs may need assistance from a social worker in protecting their finances by consultation with the Court of Protection , under the Mental Health Act 1983 .
10 I do n't need help from anybody except you .
11 The patient may also need to practise being a passenger in the car : getting in and out may be difficult , so you may need help from the occupational therapist or physiotherapist to find the easiest way of managing .
12 Those to whom power is delegated may also need help from various sources , beyond their own skills .
13 Also , when I buy a holiday home in France , I will need help from a solicitor to make sure my interests are protected in a foreign country . ’
14 The plan will need clearance from the Inspectorate of Pollution .
15 Sometimes the hospital will want to carry out a post mortem , and the hospital will need consent from the nearest relative .
16 They will also need approval from the US government 's Food and Drug Administration before the implant can be used regularly .
17 The plans will need approval from the regional ( Lände ) governments .
18 Do we still need stuff from schools in
19 ‘ I do n't need advice from you , Didier .
20 The SDLP leader retorted : ‘ I do n't need advice from unionist politicians who have not only talked to paramilitaries , they have sat down with them , in order to achieve political objectives working together . ’
21 This exercise , organized and stage-managed by the Party , was presented by the official press and propaganda machine as a spontaneous demonstration of popular backing for Franco and , by extension , as " proof " that the Spanish regime did not need validation from outside .
22 The ward nurses will need information from the patient and his family and from other people who may be involved with helping him in the community .
23 self-contained — it must not need information from another part of the problem .
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