Example sentences of "population [prep] these " in BNC.

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1 At the end of this period , in a month when the natural , or ‘ wild ’ , population of these mosquitoes should have peaked , not a single A. albimanus could be found .
2 Marc Bloch showed that on two estates in the heart of northern France there were in the ninth century only twenty-five servi ( slaves or serfs ) out of 278 householders ; whereas at the end of the twelfth century all but a handful of the population of these villages were serfs ; none slaves .
3 They can decimate the population of these baby amphibians in a pond system .
4 The population of these three conurbations was over 8 million which when added to a similar population in London meant that approximately one-third of the population of England would have been within areas covered by a two-tier structure of local government .
5 Among the Jewish population of these areas there was a section of the opposition which had no intention of submitting to Fascist aggression .
6 It was claimed that the population of these desert ascetics was equal to that of the Nile towns , but religious fervour can hardly be trusted to have a head for figures .
7 For example , Craig and Frosztega ( 1976 ) simply tested whether density declines with distance from the centroid of a population centre , and if the population of these centres follows some regular pattern ( e.g. rank-size or log-normal ) , and found an increasing fit from 1931 to 1961 .
8 Perhaps most alarmingly of all from a Russian point of view , the population of these republics had been increasing very much more rapidly than the all-union average and on some projections was expected to account for 25–30 per cent of the total Soviet population by the end of the century ( the USSR was already the world 's fifth largest Muslim state ) .
9 In eight LEAs surveyed in 1987 by the Commission for Racial Equality , the overall percentage of teachers who were from ethnic minorities was 2% ( Ranger , 1988 ) ; the percentage of the total population of these LEAs who are from ethnic minorities is about 8.5% ( OPCS , 1982 .
10 The historian must therefore try to estimate the population of these two shires , the proportion of the population under fourteen and , hardest of all , the extent to which the tax was successfully evaded .
11 A substantial oil spill off the costs of Ireland or Britain could therefore wipe out more than half of the world population of these species , the report said .
12 This area of Falkirk has always had a resident population of these handsome but predatory birds .
13 When it is recognised that England may have lost about one-third of her population in these critical years , the lull in military activity becomes understandable .
14 Neither the programme of resettlement in Siberia , nor peasant purchases of noble land came close to compensating for the continued steep rise in the rural population in these regions .
15 Provided the model relating population to these land-cover data is reasonably good , the resulting relationship can then be used to estimate populations for any set of imposed or natural areal units that can also be located on the image .
16 The principal emphasis of this research programme is to examine the attitudes of the population to these changes , with special reference to work , to look at the adaptation of the population to their changed employment environment , and to consider the impact of these changes on households , family and community relations .
17 By the late 1960s , it was accepted that the normal period of full-time economic employment would cease for most of the population at these ages .
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