Example sentences of "round in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 From then on I began to interpret each nocturnal sound as a footstep or as a bolt sliding back , and in the misery of the night I turned round and round in bed , my nightdress winding itself tighter and tighter about me , while a little voice inside me complained , ‘ I tried to do right , and now look what you 've done to me .
2 We had a good field of fire all round in case the enemy came out of the sunken road or over the hedge .
3 At the same time a gentle bell sounded , causing both men to look round in surprise .
4 Creggan looked round in surprise .
5 Swinging round in surprise , she stared at him in astonishment .
6 He spun round in surprise and then he set the horse towards her , pacing slowly , strongly and rather menacingly .
7 Swinging round in surprise , she looked at the elderly man who had spoken .
8 Her colleague , Sister Nina Clarey , was on duty in the centre , and she looked round in surprise from the store cupboard where she was checking supplies and peered at Rachel over her glasses .
9 Her concentration was still not one hundred per cent , though , when suddenly , forcefully , and to make her spin round in surprise , someone burst into her office .
10 Paige swung round in surprise and delight .
11 Vitor enquired , overhearing and swinging round in surprise .
12 Kieran suggest we say , instead of saying the planets move round in orbit we should say the planets orbit the sun .
13 First the terrified 15-year-old managed to turn himself round in mid-air .
14 The girl spun round in alarm , and gave a cry .
15 He had a carrying voice , and his sister from two tables away turned round in disapproval .
16 Now , when the old man jerked his head round in astonishment , she looked past him to smile encouragingly at her husband , saying , ‘ Forgive me for interrupting , David , but I was within earshot and , as you know , I take great exception to Mr Reynolds ’ particular brand of cruelty . ’
17 Swinging round in astonishment , Donal exclaimed , ‘ What on earth are you doing here ?
18 Pietro Miletti looked round in amazement .
19 Greg looked round in amazement .
20 They could be writhing round in agony . ’
21 ‘ You then looked round in shock to see him fall .
22 The molten anger behind the words had her twisting round in shock to face him .
23 If they are doing purely local journeys , then that may be too much and they may prefer to use the Oxford ringroad , but if they are doing long-distance journeys ten miles is not a very significant addition to their journey in length and the congestion on the Oxford ringroad is such that it may actually be shorter in time terms to go the longer way round in distance .
24 The two men helping her looked round in panic , and one of them left her side , drawing his gun .
25 Last night I j well David come round in afternoon and he l he 'd got some tapes .
26 She accepted a glass of water and for the first time looked round in order to take in the room and the people before her .
27 For front projection , the projector is still threaded up reversing left and right , as in rear projection ( it is put in the ‘ wrong ’ way round in order to come out correct in the final composite ) ; but instead of being behind a translucent screen it s in front of , and to one side of , a glass beaded screen which reflects nearly 100 per cent of the light falling on it but on y in the direction from which it came Though the projector is at 90° to the camera-screen axis and its beam is therefore initially parallel to the plane of the screen , passing in front of the actors in the foreground this beam is deflected by a half-silvered mirror at an angle of 45° to the beam This semi-transparent mirror is coated at the front ( unlike normal mirrors , coated behind the glass ) with a very thin layer of aluminium — silver tarnishes too easily Alternatively , the layer of aluminium may be spattered on , so that tiny reflective spots of metal are interspersed with tiny transparent gaps So , although it reflects the beam , the camera can photograph both the action and the reflection from the screen through the mirror Though the mirror reflects the still or moving image from the projector on to the actors and any foreground props or sets as well as on to the screen , the level of illumination of the image is much less than that on the actors , so the camera records only that part of the image reflected from the screen .
28 He got into the driver 's seat of our car and turned the vehicle round in order to follow the Sierra . ’
29 Saunders wins round in fight for legal aid .
30 The eyes were round in horror .
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